Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Log On Information

The following are usernames and passwords to log on to various school-related sites:

School Island
username: wmhs-yourschoolusername *w/full last name*
password: youschoolpassword

Science Direct
username: InSTAR *mind the caps*
password: class

Blackboard Sites
AP World
- username: apwh
- password: student
AP Art History
- username: apart
- password: picasso

Infinite Campus
username: youschoolIDnumber
password: yourbirthdate (monthdaylast2digitsofyear) *no slashes or spaces*

Three Village Online Library Resources (I dont find these very useful, at all)
password: TVCSD8

SAT Online Course
Both username and password were chosen individually by you

If youre stupid enough to actually put in "youschoolIDnumber" or "yourschoolpassword" as the username or password on any of these, you deserve to get locked out of the account, which will happen if you try to log in too much.


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