Friday, January 26, 2007

The Last Post

On Monday, I want to start using iHomeroom whether the database is cleared or not. Once it is cleared, you will have to remake your accounts if you already made one, but I just wanna get people starting to use it. The logo will change soon, and as of now the ads are not fully integrated. Tomorrow I'll announce launch on here.

Note: Personalized assignments aren't working right now, they should be working tomorrow. For the time being, click "All Assignments" to see your assignments.

Note: If you see a repeated class or teacher in the selection lists in My Classes, find out which one information is being posted under by going to "My Assignments" and clicking "All Assignments." Then you can go back to My Classes and change your class selection so that the assignments on "My Assignments" will all be personalized for you.

Why iHomeroom? Why not keep WMC?

Because, according to YOU, the users, WMC wasn't quite up to snuff. Based on a poll run at the end of the last school year, 45% of you said something was wrong with WMC, for the most part a lack of classes and assignment information being posted. 17% of you said it was "completely, unequivocally terrible," though why you would continue going to the site in order to vote if you thought that is puzzling. Anyway, analytics also gave me a clue something wasn't quite right:

You don't need to be in AP stats to see that based on the traffic from late last year (ignore the summer), to the traffic today, the numbers decreased significantly. That's because when junior year started, a whole slew of new classes opened up to our selection but obviously the administrators couldn't keep up with it. So, I decided, the only way to keep up with all these classes was to open assignment posting priveleges to everybody (à la Wikipedia). Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't do that.

So, iHomeroom was created to allow everybody to post information, and we also threw in some additional features as well (no, this isn't a sales pitch). iHomeroom as of now is not blocked at the school, so you might find it useful to transfer files between your home computer and school account with "My Files." There's no limit to how many you can upload, but there is a file size cap on 200kb. For most word and excel files this should be more than enough. This size is likely to increase over time as we see fit (and as finances allow). We also added the "Commons" which was inspired by the calendar you see in the sidebar of this page. However, the Commons is probably much more useful, because anyone can post events, and everybody can comment on them. You can also upload files you want publicly distributed. Yes, this was a dangerous move on my part, because it can be heavily abused. However, that is why all files uploaded to the commons can be deleted anybody, not just the person who uploaded it. Filetypes are also restricted, to prevent virus distribution through this method. There's a bunch of other things on there you'll find useful. Everything useful and used on WMC, I made sure to transfer in some way to iHomeroom.

But iHomeroom just seems like a lame version of Facebook!

I imagine it does. It bears slight physical resemblances to the popular social networking site, not coincidentally. However, overall, Facebook is much prettier and lets you do a lot more stuff. This would be a bad thing if iHomeroom were designed to compete with Facebook for your traffic. Fortunately for me, it most certainly is not. I use and will continue to use Facebook for fun, non-academic things, like posting rude comments on other people's walls. iHomeroom is for any of you who have even a small academic side to your life. Facebook caters little to this particular interest, and thus I believe iHomeroom to be the first social network of its kind. It does not compete with Myspace, Facebook, or any others.

In regards to aesthetics, I'm sure iHomeroom could use a facelift in many areas. However, its unfair to compare it to Facebook. They've got hundreds of millions of dollars, and right now, I have $0.00 in iHomeroom's coffers. Keeping that in mind, I am very proud of my site. Also, remember, during the first 30 days, we will be making some cosmetic changes and also be installing a new logo to spiff it up a bit.

How do you make money?

Ads. Google ads, to be precise. Based on the content of pages, like this one, Google serves relevant ads which show up wherever I want them to. When you click, Google gets some money from the advertiser, and I get the rest. This "sharing" system means that I don't make nearly as much as I could. Also, the decreasing traffic does not help in any way to generate revenue. iHomeroom will feature Google ads for as long as I need them to generate some revenue. All revenue for an indefinite period of time will go solely to improving iHomeroom (as soon as I can get an actual advertising contract, which I may never, things will change quickly). All WMC's revenue has been earmarked for Kaleidescope, the school newspaper.

If you like iHomeroom, or like what I'm trying to do, the best way to support it would be to increase traffic and awareness of the site. Links in AIM profiles or on Facebook/Myspace pages are fantastic for this. If you have a blog, you could link to it, or you could post about it in forums or whatever you want. If you don't like the site, for whatever reason, use it or don't use it, and if you want to see something added or changed, please constructively tell me. Keep in mind that websites aren't the cheapest or easiest things in the world to manage. To my knowledge, nobody else I know owns a social networking startup, so consider that before you tell me "iHomeroom sucks" (unless you're kidding) or that "WMC was better." I readily acknowledge the fact I am fighting an uphill battle against your inadvertently preconceived notions about "social networking" sites due to your exposure to the giants of the industry like Facebook and Myspace, but I implore you to keep things in perspective if you want to compare them to iHomeroom. It's trying to target a new niche market, not bring down an old one.

Your Help

I need your help to make this site really good. Rome wasn't built in a day, remember. If you see features you like, tell me. If you don't like them, tell me. Questions? Ask me. I will depend on your questions to make the official FAQ for the site, to be posted on the help page. Also, as I said before, if you like it, help me by increasing awareness, and make sure to contribute information to the site so it can keep functioning.

One more important thing: The terms of service and privacy policy aren't up yet. They're a huge pain in the neck to make. That being said, you do use the site at your own risk. I'm pretty sure its secure enough and limited enough in communications scope so that I can't be sued like Myspace can because one of you travels across the world to Jordan to hook up with a strange man you met on the internet. I'm also pretty sure I can't be sued if an assignment posting is wrong and you forget your homework. I will work as expeditiously as possible to get the necessary legal mumbo jumbo uploaded so that my a** is protected. Thanks.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Homework for Monday/Midterm Week

AP AB Calc Dillon: Midterm tomorrow, 8:45-10:45. For period 4, it's in Rm. 232. Review sheet answers are here. Now quit bugging me.
- Tam:
- Ambrose:

Physics Honors:
- AP Physics: Extra help tomorrow at 10:20, Wednesday at 8:45. Midterm on Thursday, 8:45 - 10:15, Rm. 121.

French D: Rien.

Spanish D Martin:
- Brecht:

German Aweh:

AP American History Madden: Midterm on Thursday, 7:10 to 8:40 in Rm. 125 for period 6.
- Miller:
- Buckland:

AP U.S. Government and Economics:

AP Comparative Govt/Eco:

AP Language Kelso: English regents tomorrow and Wednesday, 12:05 - 3:05, Rm. 130.
- Horan:
- Rochford:
Honors English:

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Nothing

Friday, January 19, 2007

Homework for the Weekend

AP AB Calc Dillon: Use review sheets to study for midterm. The midterm will be on Tuesday, Jan 23, from 8:45 to 10:45 in Rm. 232.
- Tam:
- Ambrose: Use review packet and past tests to study for Midterm on Tuesday (8:45-10:45)

Physics Honors: Spira-Study for the midterm on Thursday
McGunnigle: Study for midterm, he gave us a review sheet on Friday
- AP Physics: Midterm on Thursday, 8:45 to 10:15, Rm. 121. Extra help will be on Tues. from 10:20 - 11:50 and 8:45 to 10:15 on Wed (probably normal room).

French D: Study for part 2 of the Cumulative Exam (grammar) on Mon.

Spanish D Martin: nothing
- Brecht:

German Aweh:

AP American History Madden: Bring questions! Review your outlines and bring questions otherwise we'll start chapter 19. Midterm will be from 7:10 to 8:40 on Thursday.
- Miller: Finish Chapter 18 Terms; Finish Quarter 2 Essay
- Buckland:

AP U.S. Government and Economics: Study for Midterm: Part 1- 40 AP Style MC (only Gov't, chps. 1-12); Part 2- 20 matching column economics (chps. 2, 3, 8, 10); Part 3- 10 out of 12 written gov't/econ definitions (see outline sheets)

AP Comparative Govt/Eco: There's a review sheet he gave us, it's not due but you can do it... yeah. Miderm is Friday morning.

AP Language Kelso: Not sure if there was any homework, I had a lesson, but Ganesh should post....--> NOTHING AS USUAL
- Horan: Study for the English Regents on Tuesday and Wednesday; Bring Catcher in the Rye on Mon
- Rochford:
Honors English:

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Mentor Search should be wrapping up at this point.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Homework for Thursday

iHomeroom Update: Many of the problems have been fixed. One more thing needs to be worked out with the classes database before it will actually be usable for that purpose (there is also a file downloads and file attachment problem, but those aren't essential). I expect by Monday the test database will be cleared and it can launch.

AP AB Calc Dillon: Nothing
- Tam:
- Ambrose: POW due tomorrow

Physics Honors:
- AP Physics: Test on thermodynamics tomorrow

French D: Part I of test tomorrow - only vocab. Use the quia site (see previous posts)

Spanish D Martin: Nothing
- Brecht:

German Aweh:

AP American History Madden: Study for midterm.
- Miller: Next 5 terms, papers due Monday
- Buckland:

AP U.S. Government and Economics:

AP Comparative Govt/Eco:

AP Language Kelso: Nothing
- Horan:
- Rochford:
Honors English:

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Nothing

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Homework for Wednesday

Orchestra Test tomorrow - see previous post for resources.

AP AB Calc Dillon: Integrals test tomorrow.
- Tam:
- Ambrose: Study for your test on integral calculus tomorrow.

Physics Honors: Spira-egg drop device due Fri; Test Mon?
- AP Physics: Thermal physics test Friday

French D: Complete activity C on today's ditto

Spanish D Martin:
- Brecht:

German Aweh:

AP American History Madden: Study for midterm (Amsco book)
- Miller: Next 5 terms
- Buckland:

AP U.S. Government and Economics: Madden- Study for midterm

AP Comparative Govt/Eco:

AP Language Kelso: Nothing
- Horan: ??
- Rochford:
Honors English:

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Mentor search continues

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Homework for Tuesday/Transition to ihomeroom

ihomeroom update: Many of the issues have been fixed, but there are still some problems with the classes and assignments, though the subject field shouldn't be giving anyone anymore problems (The profiles have also been by and large fixed). We are also have difficulties with file uploads and attachments to assignments. So, for the time being, its still in testing. Don't actually start using it until I officially launch it unless you want to test. It is likely the database will be cleared before official launch, which will occur sometime this week. Stay tuned (for now, continue with WMC). And seriously, before you bombard me with "this doesn't work" or "iHomeroom sucks," could you wait for the goddamn site to actually be launched?

Orchestra Test Files
: Notes (composers, time periods, etc.)
Music terms - Page 1 / Page 2 (from last year)
See this site for intervals and ear training exercises

AP AB Calc Dillon: Work on review assignment
- Tam:
- Ambrose: Complete the review sheet

Physics Honors: Spira-lab due tomorrow, finish vertical shot problem; egg-drop device due Fir
- AP Physics: Nothing, but Test on Friday

French D: Finish verb conjugations, use if needed; Cumulative Exam Fri and Mon

Spanish D Martin: Presentations start tomorrow -- bring necessary props or movie if you're doing one.
- Brecht:

German Aweh:

AP American History Madden: Nothing.
- Miller: First 5 terms
- Buckland:

AP U.S. Government and Economics: Study for midterm

AP Comparative Govt/Eco:

AP Language Kelso: Nothing
- Horan: ??
- Rochford:
Honors English:

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Continue mentor search if you haven't already finished

(Edited by Ganesh at 4:58)