Homework for Thursday
Ganesh's Homework List
Spanish C-Dwyer: Read the sheet he gave us (because there may be a quiz)
English-Failey: Unit 2 Vocab Quiz Tomorrrow
Oatis: Vocab Quiz #4 tomorrow
Math-O'Brien: Pg 145 #1-4,13-19 odd, 29,31,35,58,59,63,69,71,72
Project due tomorrow
Chemistry-Glazebrook: Test tomorrow Part I, concentrate on the sheet of Regents-style questions
AP World-Riggio: Imperialism debate tomorrow. Whether or not this is really happening is an uncertainty. Wednesday, she said that it depends on whether or not the class prepares on Thursday. For the 6th period class, there wasn't any preparation, so maybe not. Also, prepare for an Imperialism Reaction Paper (not of the range of an essay according to Riggio) due on Monday.
French-Ransford: Subjunctive ditto
InSTAR-Brendel ACE class: read Results and Discussion for Monday. BDF class: I assume everything is a day alter
(Ethan or Yang, please add w/e you need to)
(edited by Yang at 6:50 PM 11/17/05)
Alex's Homework list
Ok homework due tomorrow is:
Chem (Schoen)- complete lab with the cutouts
Orchestra (Symphony Preddice)- sell cheese to appease mr preddice [lame] [optional]
Math (10A Schwartz)- both dittos she handed out
English (Eaton)- essay due monday *i think*
Mandarin (Yu)- (like anybody in mandarin is reading this) quiz tomorrow, character sheet due tomorrow
i made this post hard to read on purpose dont change it ethan.
Cool, Alex. Hard to read. (=
(Edited by Ethan, merged by Yang)
Spanish C-Dwyer: Read the sheet he gave us (because there may be a quiz)
English-Failey: Unit 2 Vocab Quiz Tomorrrow
Oatis: Vocab Quiz #4 tomorrow
Math-O'Brien: Pg 145 #1-4,13-19 odd, 29,31,35,58,59,63,69,71,72
Project due tomorrow
Chemistry-Glazebrook: Test tomorrow Part I, concentrate on the sheet of Regents-style questions
AP World-Riggio: Imperialism debate tomorrow. Whether or not this is really happening is an uncertainty. Wednesday, she said that it depends on whether or not the class prepares on Thursday. For the 6th period class, there wasn't any preparation, so maybe not. Also, prepare for an Imperialism Reaction Paper (not of the range of an essay according to Riggio) due on Monday.
French-Ransford: Subjunctive ditto
InSTAR-Brendel ACE class: read Results and Discussion for Monday. BDF class: I assume everything is a day alter
(Ethan or Yang, please add w/e you need to)
(edited by Yang at 6:50 PM 11/17/05)
Alex's Homework list
Ok homework due tomorrow is:
Chem (Schoen)- complete lab with the cutouts
Orchestra (Symphony Preddice)- sell cheese to appease mr preddice [lame] [optional]
Math (10A Schwartz)- both dittos she handed out
English (Eaton)- essay due monday *i think*
Mandarin (Yu)- (like anybody in mandarin is reading this) quiz tomorrow, character sheet due tomorrow
i made this post hard to read on purpose dont change it ethan.
Cool, Alex. Hard to read. (=
(Edited by Ethan, merged by Yang)
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