Monday, December 05, 2005

Homework for Monday and Yang's Winter Weather Warning

To see weather update, go past the list of homework

O'Brien: Ditto #59, 61, 62A, 63, 68; WEA #10 due Fri; Test on Exponential Functions Thursday or Friday (if snow day tomorrow) NOTE: If delayed opening, O'Brien will decide and inform us.

Chem Glazebrook: Test Wednesday or Thursday (if snow day); all work due with test
Brendel: 7.96, 100, 101, 102, 106, 108, 110. (p2/3, not sure about 3/4)

English Oatis: Vocab Unit 5 due tommorow (this is definite for period 3), quiz Wed, this schedule would be pushed back one day in the event of a cancellation.
Etheridge: Work on your individual 'chapter' analysis packet. You still have to do all the questions, but you're "specialized" in one of them. Presentations are on Wed.

French Ransford: Crossword puzzle and Gingerbread Man self-portrait; Extra-Credit: find out why "Mona Lisa" became "La Jaconde" (check Wikipedia)

German Aweh: Bring a shoe. Not a smelly one.

AP World History
Riggio: Quiz tomorrow or Wed (if snow day); Stearn's document questions due Jan 11; questions on double-sided Chinese response documents sheet are thinking, or as some might like to say "pondering" questions, which you should know the answers to but do not nescessarily write them down.
Rosequist: Quiz Wed, even (gasp) if there is a snow day! On the latter half of Chapter 24 and class notes, etc.

AP Art History Dietz: Essay portion of test tomorrow or Wed (if snow day or delayed opening); Study Greek sculptures & time periods (some sculptures on slides will be unfamiliar, so study properties of sculptures), Roman architecture, and things that have to do with Assyria. Studying other stuff wouldn't hurt.

InSTAR Brendel: ACE class-nothing; BDF class: Quiz on lead retention article Wednesday, you can use notes and the article itself, 10-15 MC questions.

NOTE: Logically, assignments will likely be shifted if a snow day occurs. If any test time conditions (i.e. O'Brien, Glazebrook, and Riggio) are different for other classes, please add them as necessary.

Radar image shows snow over our area, but that only means that clouds are letting loose a very small amount of snow that's generally evaporating before it's hitting the ground. The bulk of the storm will arrive after 7 PM.

WMC Senior Meterologist Yang Li here. It appears that the chance for a snow day has increase since yesterday, but it is still not definete. A delayed opening is guaranteed due to 3-6 inches of snow as predicted by News 12. NBC 4 predicts a higher 5-7 inches. 7 inches is good enough to get us a snow day, especially if the heavy and steady snow continues into the morning. However, look for a more likely 5 inches, which in my opinion gives us a 50-50 chance. Right now, the track takes the center of low pressure east into the Atlantic. If the track were to shift to the north, look for 6-8 inches of snow, which is a highly likely snow day. For now, finish all your homework and study for any quizzes or tests. You just can't be totally sure. Stayed tuned for more updates.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Oatis quiz is actually wednesday or thursday depending on the snowday.

4:53 PM  

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