Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Homework for Thanksgiving Vacation

AP AB Calc Dillon: 2 problems: y = xe^x and 7 = (lnx)/x
- Tam:
- Ambrose: Nothing

Physics Honors: Spira-quiz on Mon
- AP Physics: Nothing

French D: Finish movie questions except for last two

Spanish D Martin:
- Brecht: Food presentations continue... NO PRESENTATIONS WILL TAKE PLACE TOMORROW!

German Aweh:

AP American History Madden: Chp. 13 quiz Wednesday, DBQ due Monday.
- Miller: Next 4 terms (my advice: get ahead by going past #8)
- Buckland: Finish reading, quiz is on the horizon

AP U.S. Government and Economics: Read Chp. 11 Congress from pg. 299-332, quiz next week; project due 12/11

AP Comparative Govt/Eco:

AP Language Kelso: Nothing
- Horan: Great Gatsby Chp. 7 and 8, plus quiz (my advice: get ahead on GG and Vocab)
- Rochford: That assignment she handed out (read the essay she gave us, and two other from the Bedford Reader and then journal according to the little sheet)
Honors English Gandt: nothing. you can start Catcher of the Rye if you want

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Projects due Tues

(edited by Shruti @ 5:18 PM)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For InSTAR people doing exploravision, does anyone know what the design process is suppose to be about?

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DBQ for madden (and chapter 13...?)

no homework for gandt.


6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we need to analyze Bias/POV for the Madden DBQ?

7:57 PM  
Blogger sir snark said...

"Design Process — Describe three alternative ideas or features the team considered for this ExploraVision project. The ideas and features should be directly related to the entry, not a list of other entries you may have submitted. Describe why the team rejected each feature and idea in favor of the ones in the submitted ExploraVision technology. Describe the team's design process."

In English: This means you gotta make a list of things you almost did with your project. If you were a genius and thought of the perfect idea right away then make some other ones up, shouldn't be hard. ex:

Your project is about PENCILS. In the future pencils will be sentient beings able to communicate with you aka give you answers on math tests. They will cost the same as they do now, ie $292,409,899,106.99 (Adjusted for inflation)

In your design process you have:

a) PENCILS, that double as PENS! (finally)
b) PENCILS, that can erase! (woo)
c) PENCILS, that have a built in GPS system that locates and tracks the idiot judge who thought design process up and fly up his ass and break off! (parenthesized text)

Then you tell why you decided on that idea, and not the others you listed. It may not be as clear cut as this, however.

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how many docs do we need to use for maddens dbq? btw no bias/pov is required

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can somebody upload the documents for maddens DBQ?

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/3 of the documents are needed for madden's dbq which adds up to... about 6 or seven... i think!

12:55 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

it would be 7 documents, since 2/3 of 10 is 6.666..., so you'd have to use seven, I believe

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:47 PM  
Blogger sir snark said...


3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no shit sherlock

6:30 PM  

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