Thursday, January 04, 2007

Homework for Thursday

AP AB Calc Dillon: Finish worksheet from class
- Tam:
- Ambrose: Pg. 354 #5; Worksheet 1 #4, 9; Worksheet 2 #1

Physics Honors: Spira-Gravity and circular motion test tomorrow
- AP Physics: Pg. 399 #21, 23, 25, 50, 52 due Friday.

French D: Narrative or Letter due Mon. Nothing else.

Spanish D Martin:
- Brecht: Essay rough draft due tomorrow for peer editing.

German Aweh:

AP American History Madden: Chapter 18 quiz Wed. Jan 10th-- Essay due Tuesday Jan 16th
- Miller: Next 4 terms
- Buckland:

AP U.S. Government and Economics: Essay 2 (number 1 on budget sheet) due Mon

AP Comparative Govt/Eco:

AP Language Kelso: Regents exam due Monday. Project presentations start Wednesday next week.
- Horan: Vocab review 7-9 due Mon
- Rochford:
Honors English Gandt: nothing?

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Festival of Destruction tomorrow


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