Friday, November 18, 2005

Homework for the Weekend

Homework/Assignment List:

  • Brendel -
    • p2+3 class: Review problems, and study for the test on Tuesday.
      And you better bring stuff in for the secret party. >_>
    • p3+4 class: I assume review problems also, and study for the test on... Monday?
  • Glazebrook - Part II of test on Monday
  • O'Brien - Function Test review ditto; WEA due Monday after Thanksgiving
  • Tam - Graphing Project due Tuesday
AP World
  • Rosequist - None (Andrew/Jon please confirm)
  • Riggio - Imperialism debate Monday-Make sure you know everything that your team is responsible for; Imperialism reaction paper due Monday
  • Failey -Nothing
  • Inners -
  • Oatis - Myth project due 11/28, we'll be in the library Mon and Tue for that; Start reading Angela's Ashes (write responses and include the passage you're responding about)
  • Eaton -
  • Etheridge - Read Chapter 3 in Jekyll and Hyde... and find a quote? Keep up to date on journals, also.
InSTAR-Brendel: both classes-read the results (refresh me on whether we need to read the discussion section as well)

AP Art History: Nothing
Edited by Ethan at 8:36 PM, 11/18/2005

Edited by Ganesh at 6:24 PM, 11/18/2005

Edited by Yang at 6:55 PM, 11/18/05


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