Friday, December 23, 2005

AP World History Assignments and Information

AP World Riggio Document Reader Assignments:

Stearns Document Reader Assignments

Due January 11, 2006

#1: An Age of Revolutions
Pages 279-288
# 1-8 on page 279
#2: The Opium War
Pages 289-299
# 1-6 on page 291
#3: The Emancipations and Their Consequences
Pages 300-314
# 1-4 on page 301
#4: Women and Education in the 19th Century
Pages 315-329
# 1-8 on 317

Still under Riggio...19th Century People Project proposal due Wednesday, January 4th. The actual paper is due Wednesday, January 18th.

All hail Stearns! (except don't really)


Rosequist:Hw #6 Due Friday after we get back from break, and there is a test on chapters 24,26, and 27 the day after we get back from break.


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