Snow Day and Homework for Weekend
Some more announcements:
Health H: Kost- Homework assignment due 12/14/05, test postponed until further notice
English Oatis: Vocabulary quiz will be Monday now.Etheridge: She will be collecting journals for sure on Monday so be prepared to hand it in...if necessary we are alotted a clockstopper for the second quarter so it is possible to hand it in on Tuesday... once again if any journal assignments are needed please comment and request...
Chemistry Glazebrook: Difficult to say whether the test will be Tuesday or Monday now, it probably depends on what period you are and what Glazebrook feels like doing on Monday, but have all packets and worksheets done for Monday, and you should prepare as if the test is definitely Monday.
Brendel: 2/3 test was on Tuesday, and that MAY still be on, but we missed a double period, so I doubt it. 3/4 test, still Wednesday?
Math O'Brien: WEA due Monday, quiz will probably be Monday now as well.
AP Art History Dietz: 7.1-7.4 reading and questions due Monday
AP World Riggio: Bring in document readers on Monday, read pages 652-660.
Rosequist: Since we had a snow day, it's implied that the homework #3 is due on Monday instead of Friday.
Spanish C: Dwyer-Movie Composition due Monday
InSTAR: ACE; results, discussions, and conclusions assignment due Monday, BDF; this is due Tuesday.
Latin A/III: The notes on the Doric Temple (the three names and descriptions of each type)
Latin C: Finish marking up and translating the second half of Caput XVII
French Ransford: If you did not make the corrections on your 100 word composition, which was initially due Friday, make sure you have it done for Monday.
German Aweh (H): Aufsatz due Monday (instead of Friday), the rewrite.
(Edited by Jon at 10:18, 12/11/05)
(Edited by Zach at 10:01, 12/11/05)
(Edited by Kalyan at 6:04, 12/11/05)
(Edited by Ethan at 7:41, 12/9/05)
(edited by Ganesh at 12:11, 12/9/05)
This is now officially the most comprehensive homework post to date, being edited by all members of the blog with the exception of Andrew, and covering Oatis, Etheridge, Kost, Glazebrook, Brendel, O'Brien, Dietz, Riggio, Rosequist, Dwyer, InSTAR Brendel, Latin A and C, Ransford, and German w/ Aweh. Hooray.
F-ing A ethan
F-ing A
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