Friday, December 23, 2005

Happy Holidays!

From the whole Ward Melville Companion Team...

Happy Holidays!

We do, unfortunately, have homework...and quite a bit of it too... The various homework assignments will be covered in a series of 5 posts (including this one) or less, depending upon how the admins choose to organize things. I am instating this because I want to be easier for people to go directly to the information they need (and also, each post on this website does have its own individual page which you can directly link to), and I want it to be easier for the admins to edit posts with information relevant only to a specific topic. There will be no more than 5 posts, since thats the amount that show up on the WMC main page at any given time. Also, be sure to sometimes check back here over the break in case there are any updates or announcements.

Ward Melville Companion is currently looking for people to become blog members who will be able to accurately, reguarly, and reliably post information for the following teachers: Inners (English), Aweh (German), Eaton (English), Schoen (Chem), Tam (Math). If you can fulfill those characteristics and can provide information for any one of those teachers, we want you, so leave a comment if you're interested. That will be all.

See KING KONG !!!!!!


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