Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tuesday's Homework

Math:O'Brien: All odds on the exponential functions review sheet (for periods that had math today). Quiz/test on Friday.

Health H: Kost: Homework due 12/14/05

Spanish C: Dwyer: Complete the first 3 questions on the sheet he gave us (The questions on the movie)

AP World: Riggio: Work on Stears Document Reader (Due in January). Reading - pages 641-649, covering information of Russian reforms. If you didnt have history today, you have a chapter 26 quiz tommorow, notes can be found in a previous post.
Rosequist: Quiz tomorrow on the second half of Chapter 24. Homework for Chapter 26 due Friday.

Chemistry: Glazebrook: Test postponed until Thursday, study by working on sheets. Have everything completed and ready to hand in the day of the test.

English Oatis: Vocab due Thursday now, quiz Friday. Continue reading Angela's Ashes, I guess, and you should start getting to work on those reflections.

French Ransford: Mona Lisa or "Jaconde" extra credit assignment due tommorow.

German (H) Aweh: Test on Thursday; and bring in a shoe for candy tomorrow.

InSTAR: BDF: Quiz tommorow on pig/Pb article. ACE:??

(Edited by Ethan at 6:13 PM, 12/6/05)


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