Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Math O'Brien: Textbook pg. 397 #2, 6, 39-49 odd, 51-59 odd, 65, 69, 73, 75. WEA due Friday. If you did not hand in your math project, do so tomorrow but you WILL lose 5 pts..unless she really likes you ...or if your fish died and you had to go to its funeral for 2 weeks or something
- Schwartz: textbook pg. 724 #10 and 14, pg. 721 # 20, 22 and 24

Chemistry Glazebrook: Quiz on gas laws tommorow, hand in outline if you didn't, use worksheets for review (the quiz will be half regents MC and the rest harder questions)
- Schoen: no homework
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Hayes-Complete chapter 12 translations from class.

Latin C: Hayes- Do as much translating as possible in the new graveyard packet

French C: No homework

Spanish Dwyer: 2 worksheets given out today
- Prochillo: The front of the worksheet we did yesterday

German Aweh: Fill in German map (the 16 states and their capitals). Grammar book, page 26 exercises 51 and 53

AP World History Riggio: New reading and homework questions, refer to assignment sheet for details. Also, there is a new Stearns Documents assignment.
- Rosequist:

AP Art History:

English Failey: Unit 5 Vocab due tommorow; journals for East of Eden due this week
- Oatis: Vocabulary #9 due tommorow.
- Eaton: quiz friday on vocab unit 6. Julius Caesar Exam on Monday. Have your interpretation of the quote by Friday when the quiz is.
- Inners:
-Etheridge: Nothing, well journal entry for week 4 and 5 but nothing due tomorrow.

Health Kost: Homework from sheet due February 27th, the Monday we get back from break

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: Powerpoints due after Feb. break
- BDF: Powerpoints due after Feb. break

(edited by Hari at 9:15) - Hari: uhh update=dedicated to Nehal cuz she's makin me dedicate it to her.
(edited by Chris at 4:37)
(edited by Zach at 7:17)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Failey- Unit 5 Vocab due tommorow; journals for East of Eden due this week...

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in response to the comment yesterday.... i like the background, btw.
Anywayyy, Prochilo- The front of the worksheet we did yesterday

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did O'Brien tell 8th period about the HW, with the bomb scare and all?

7:30 PM  

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