Thursday, February 02, 2006

Homework for Thursday

Math O'Brien: Pg. 385 33-45 odd, 53, 55. Make sure to review the trig concepts you dont understand or just need to reinforce in preparation for a possible quiz tommorow.
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Make sure to have 10.4 finished by tommorow, and the ideal gas law page of the gas properties packet finished. Also, there will be a (group?) quiz tommorow on what we have learned from chapter 10 so far.
- Schoen
- Brendel Quiz on Gas Laws Tomorrow

Latin A/III: 5 new words and translate rest of page.

Latin C Hayes

French C: Have partner conversation learned and ready to present, you can use index cards.

Spanish Dwyer: The assignments on "La Tortuga Gigante" (The alternate ending and facts?) are due tomorrow
- Prochillo: Make a "Study Sheet or Quiz" out of 20 of the 27 words she gave us from the story. You will be trading papers with a classmate tomorrow

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Do the homework assignment for tonight (on assignment sheet) and answer Latin American questions on the sheet she handed out.
- Rosequist: Hw Sheet Due Tues

AP Art History: Read pgs. 603-606, pg 622 (piety and devotion) in the new Gardners book.

English Failey: Journals for period 5 are due tomorrow
- Oatis: Vocab quiz #8 tommorow.
- Eaton:
- Inners:
-Etheridge: Essay Tomorrow

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Internet project due end of period tommorow.

InSTAR ACE: Work on powerpoint presentation
- BDF: Work on powerpoint presentation

(Edited by Mikey at 5:25)
(Edited by Ganesh at 4:35)


Blogger me life said...

Inners: bring in independant reading book if you didn't do that today, and debates start on Monday! Have your speeches ready!

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Math - Ambrose: pg. 429 #4, 8, 11, 17, 36. 38, 41

History - Kraemer: Ditto "Patterns of Change: Totalitarianism"

Media Arts - Blits: sketch 15 thumbnails depicting the composition for your self portrait project.

Biology - Malusa: "Berry Full of DNA" Lab was due today, finish it with a write up and get it in if you haven't already! Also, worksheet C on Transcription

5:38 PM  

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