Friday, April 28, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Math O'Brien: pg. 486 #9-17 odd (sines and tangents this time), 20, 21, 23, 25, 35, 38
- Schwartz: practice regents part IV of january '05

Chemistry Glazebrook: No homework for Period 1/2? and 4/5; (how about Period 8/9)?
- Schoen:
- Brendel: no homework

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes: Your Ovid story topic is due tomorrow for Ovid in the news. (sorry this was posted so late) also, I think there may be a quiz on the story we got on friday but im not positive.

French C: No homework

Spanish Dwyer: read and answer the short story (very short) about the man who had two wives
- Prochillo: Assigned numbers on page 11 in the packet

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Study everything!!! hahaha; MC practice on Monday; Room Assignments (far as I remember) are A-G in LGI, H-S in lower new wing, and T-Z in upper new wing (Ethan, is there an online source for them?)
- Rosequist: Review for the AP exam and "mock" test Monday on everything in we've learnd in world history (This year and last).

AP Art History: Study

English Failey: Julius Caesar presentations continue Monday.
- Oatis: Continue 1984, project due May 22; Vocab next week
- Eaton: read chapters 7-10 in LOTF
- Inners: Nothing

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

InSTAR : bring ur ap workbooks to class since Dr.Brendel will be giving us the period to study.

(edited by Shruti@ 3:51)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Homework for Thursday

TOMMOROW is the last day to sign up for an SAT II for the June exam (Unless you wish to pay a late fee)

There is also a thread in the WMC forum for the AP World History exam, and I think it'd be a good place for anyone to ask questions about review books, the exam itself, or basically anything about the history of the world. Check it out here

Math O'Brien: pg. 486 9-19 odd, #22, 27, 36, 37
- Schwartz: June '04 and august '04 part IV's in the lil' green regents practice books (from comment).

Chemistry Glazebrook: For period 8, no homework. Other periods, you have a test tommorow on the deltas, rate of reaction, and equilibrium of reaction. Its mostly multiple choice, but there are a few do-it-yourself style problems as well.
- Schoen: Finish the back of the sheet we started in class.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: Quiz tommorow on medical conditions and treatments, see Quia Vocab Review for the terms you need to know. Honor society application due tommorow ($5 fee, signed application sheet by you and parent, and this and last years' transcript)

Spanish Dwyer:
- Prochilo: Page 5 of the packet? (Someone please confirm this)

German Aweh: Test tomorrow on past tense verbs. Page 76, exercise 2.

AP World History Riggio: See for sample essay responses. Keep studying!
- Rosequist: HW 2 due tommorow

AP Art History: Quiz tommorow on chp. 34 in Gardners, with information from 14.1, 14.2, 17.1, 17.5, 16.1 (2 people from this section) in DAH and 2 artists from chp. 33 in Gardners.

English Failey: Reading "checktest" on Animal Farm tommorow! Julius Caesar presentations continue on Monday.
- Oatis: Keep reading 1984.
- Eaton: Vocab Unit 8 quiz tomorrow
- Inners: Bring Vocab book for tommorow

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Nothing

-BDF: Last presentation tommorow

(Edited by Varun at 18:30)
(edited by Shruti @ 4:33)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Orchestra Students going to Great Adventure: There will be a rehearsal today, at the school, from 5:30 to 7:00.

Math O'Brien: No homework.
- Schwartz: practice regents june 2003 and august 2003 only part 4 questions.

Chemistry Glazebrook: For period 8, there is a test tommorow on delta G, S, H, rate of reaction, and equilibrium of reaction. Use the multiple choice sheets to review, and finish the chapter outline and equilibrium worksheets, to be collected tommorow.
- Schoen: worksheet due tomorrow.
- Brendel: test tomorrow for pd:4 and friday for pd2

Latin A/III: Hayes: quiz tomorrow on second declension

Latin C Hayes

French C: No direct homework, but review for the quiz on Friday at: Quia Vocab Review

Spanish Dwyer: work on questions for espuma and nada mas but we will continue doing this in class tomorrow
- Prochillo: stuff.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: No homework, but keep on studying for the AP exam. It's in exactly one week!
- Rosequist: homework #3 due friday

AP Art History: Keep reading chapter 17 in DAH and chp. 34 in Gardners for a quiz on Friday (AP style multiple choice)

English Failey: acting out our reduced julius caesar plays tomorrow and monday--friday there is a test on Animal Farm
- Oatis: Keep on reading 1984, no vocab this week.
- Eaton: Vocab unit 8 quiz is on Friday. Keep reading The Lord of the Flies. Complete journal on the story.
- Inners: Prepare for a test tommorow: 20 multiple choice and essay, essay is to show how a character is depicted in the novel (Physical characteristics, etc.).
-Etheridge: Read packet on Utopia

Health Kost: Test tomorrow on Alcohol.

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: Presentations finishing
BDF: Last presentation on Friday

(edited by Shruti @ 3:49)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math O'Brien: Test tomorrow, carefully look over the entire review sheet w/ answers
- Schwartz: Test tomorrow on some stuff like conics.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Finish up to 14.9 in the packet; for those w/ printing errors, she'll give us the missing sections tomorrow; test Fri. For Period 8, the test is Thursday, and also finish the Le Chatlier's Principle worksheet and complete the worksheet we did part of as a class.
- Schoen: finish worksheet.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: quiz tomorrow

Latin C Hayes

French C: Worksheet: Write 3 sentences per question: 2 symptoms and 1 treatment

Spanish Dwyer: questions due friday
- Prochillo: complete the assigned parts in the packet.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Unit 5 Presentation tomorrow for Period 6; keep studying for AP Exam
- Rosequist: No homework

AP Art History: Quiz Fri on Chp. 17, Study for AP Exam, Read Gardner's Chp. 34 as necessary

English Failey: Julius Caesar presentations start tommorow; Animal Farm entry. (For more info, check out Monday's post)
- Oatis: 1984 Project due May 22; No vocab this week
- Eaton: Vocab unit 8 due tomorrow and Chapter 6 must be read by tomorrow.
- Inners:
-Etheridge: No homework

Health Kost: Test thursday on alcohol

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: Presentations to conclude Thurs
- BDF: Are we done with presentations? 1 more maybe...

(edited by Shruti at 7:00)
(edited by Chris at 6:06)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Homework for Monday

Math O'Brien: Complete entire review sheet for tommorow. Do it or you won't get a nifty-keeno answer sheet.
- Schwartz: complete the packet, I believe only the evens but I am not sure. Test on all stuff is on Wednesday.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Finish lab if you did not do so in class
- Schoen: no homework
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Quiz tomorrow on the declensions (open notes)

Latin C Hayes: Memorize the second declention masculant column on the noun sheet.

French C: pg. 71, activity B, full sentences

Spanish Dwyer: Get the vocabulary sheet (the small quiz, supposedly) done
- Prochillo: worksheet, do only the assigned numbers (which are:1,3,7,11,12,13,17,21,22,27,30,33 and 35)

German Aweh: Finish the Wortschatzliste-Kap3. Do #'s 1-6 in the weak verb section and 11-20 in the strong verb section.

AP World History Riggio: Presentations continue, Unit 4 tommorow. Keep studying for the AP exam
- Rosequist: Study for AP

AP Art History: Continuing reviewing for the AP exam and study chapter 17 in DAH and chapter 34 in Gardners

Failey: Reduced Julius Caesar presentations start Wednesday. (Tuesday is that career thing in the library) Also, do the journal entry on Animal Farm about the allegory, and relevence to this quote: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
- Oatis: Continue reading 1984
- Eaton: read chapter 6 of The Lord of the Flies for Wed and have unit 8 of the vocab finished by Wednesday and the quiz on unit 8 is on Friday.
- Inners: Finish Of Mice and Men by tomorrow, and something about writing a character in your journals, though I'm just taking this info from a comment so further explanation would be helpful.
-Etheridge: No homework

Health Kost: Test on Alcohol is on Thursday.

HTML & Web: Nothing; bring in your textbook tommorow

BDF: We have a few presentations to go

(edited by Ganesh at 4:56)
(edited by Shruti at 4:27 PM)
(edited by Chris at 4:06 PM)