Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math O'Brien: Test tomorrow, carefully look over the entire review sheet w/ answers
- Schwartz: Test tomorrow on some stuff like conics.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Finish up to 14.9 in the packet; for those w/ printing errors, she'll give us the missing sections tomorrow; test Fri. For Period 8, the test is Thursday, and also finish the Le Chatlier's Principle worksheet and complete the worksheet we did part of as a class.
- Schoen: finish worksheet.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: quiz tomorrow

Latin C Hayes

French C: Worksheet: Write 3 sentences per question: 2 symptoms and 1 treatment

Spanish Dwyer: questions due friday
- Prochillo: complete the assigned parts in the packet.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Unit 5 Presentation tomorrow for Period 6; keep studying for AP Exam
- Rosequist: No homework

AP Art History: Quiz Fri on Chp. 17, Study for AP Exam, Read Gardner's Chp. 34 as necessary

English Failey: Julius Caesar presentations start tommorow; Animal Farm entry. (For more info, check out Monday's post)
- Oatis: 1984 Project due May 22; No vocab this week
- Eaton: Vocab unit 8 due tomorrow and Chapter 6 must be read by tomorrow.
- Inners:
-Etheridge: No homework

Health Kost: Test thursday on alcohol

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: Presentations to conclude Thurs
- BDF: Are we done with presentations? 1 more maybe...

(edited by Shruti at 7:00)
(edited by Chris at 6:06)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


i mean schoen hoemwork.

finish that sheet with the questions

wappletree.net coming soon

5:26 PM  

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