Friday, April 28, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Math O'Brien: pg. 486 #9-17 odd (sines and tangents this time), 20, 21, 23, 25, 35, 38
- Schwartz: practice regents part IV of january '05

Chemistry Glazebrook: No homework for Period 1/2? and 4/5; (how about Period 8/9)?
- Schoen:
- Brendel: no homework

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes: Your Ovid story topic is due tomorrow for Ovid in the news. (sorry this was posted so late) also, I think there may be a quiz on the story we got on friday but im not positive.

French C: No homework

Spanish Dwyer: read and answer the short story (very short) about the man who had two wives
- Prochillo: Assigned numbers on page 11 in the packet

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Study everything!!! hahaha; MC practice on Monday; Room Assignments (far as I remember) are A-G in LGI, H-S in lower new wing, and T-Z in upper new wing (Ethan, is there an online source for them?)
- Rosequist: Review for the AP exam and "mock" test Monday on everything in we've learnd in world history (This year and last).

AP Art History: Study

English Failey: Julius Caesar presentations continue Monday.
- Oatis: Continue 1984, project due May 22; Vocab next week
- Eaton: read chapters 7-10 in LOTF
- Inners: Nothing

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

InSTAR : bring ur ap workbooks to class since Dr.Brendel will be giving us the period to study.

(edited by Shruti@ 3:51)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

schwartz: practice regents part IV of january '05

eaton: read chapters 7-10 in LOTF


6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it necessary to send our SAT II scores to colleges? the SAT registration asks for this

7:18 PM  
Blogger Yang Li said...

I don't believe you'll need to send the scores. Check with other sources to make sure though.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhh... who?

9:57 PM  
Blogger me life said...

SAT II's, depends on the college.

Some will require 2 scores. Some will require 3. Some will require none. Depending on the number you take, you will be able to pick and choose the best ones, which is why people love to take like 4-5, they can drop their lower ones.

FYI, you don't have to fill in the college info on the SAT II registration. You can just skip that part.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Varun Talanki said...

you can send the scores to colleges during the admissions process

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for riggo is the multiple choice going to count

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:37 AM  

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