Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Math O'Brien: Period 4-Finish the January 2005 Regents
- Schwartz: test tomorrow on part ones of the regents.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Read and finish review book packet; period 8; go up to question #34.
- Schoen: complete questions 1-31 in the review book under topic 12.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Part IVB and IVC

Latin C Hayes

French C: Complete crossword puzzle using vocab words from the final review packet.

Spanish Dwyer: Prepare for speaking portion of Spanish final (5 out fo 15 questions) it's on Friday
- Prochillo: period 6- prepare all 15 speaking question that might be selected for the speaking part of the final. Brainstorm for every question!
period 7- same as period 6, come to the language lab tommorow prepared!

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Papers due tomorrow!!!! The worksheet she handed out on tuesday for review is also due tomorrow (it's a chart on world religions and stuff like that).
- Rosequist: the schoolisland homework was due today but maybe he'll still allow it if it gets done tonight since he is collecting it tomorrow

AP Art History: No homework, presentations continue

English Failey: Reflective letters due tomorrow for all classes, journals are being collected next week for the last time. (all classes)
- Oatis: Portfolios due tommorow (but apparently it might be lemme know if you know...)! 1984 presentations winding down...
- Eaton: journals must be completed by some time. The essay part of the test on 1984 is tomorrow. The 1984 essay is due friday and the portfolio is due next thursday the 8th.
- Inners:
-Etheridge: Reflective essay due Thursday: Requirements (due to popular demand):
Reflective Letter-select one prose piece. Then, write a reflective essay of approximately 500 words explaining what makes this your best writing of the year. Attach the piece you are featuring to the new essay. In preparing to write, consider questions such as:
*Meaning/main idea: What is the thesis (controlling idea) of your paper? Who is your intended audience? What do you want your reader to understand or think about after reading what you have written?
*Organization: Briefly explain why you constructed the essay or short story the way you did. How does it begin and end? What internal logic is there to the way the ideas in your body paragraphs move from one to the next? Did you wish to surprise, perplex, or provoke you audience in some part of your piece? Why did you end your essay or story the way you did?
*Development: Have you provided specific, accurate, and relevant facts and examples to support your main points? Or, if this is a short story, how have you developed characters, setting, and plot? Which of the sections of the essay or short story do you consider most successfully developed? Be specific.
*Editing: Have you revised teh piece to eliminate unrelated material or excess plot summary? Have you proofread carefully for spelling, paragraphing, sentence structure, usage, or citations?
*Language: Have you used vocabulary, sentence structure, and sentence variety effectively to reach readers? Point to word choices or well-written sentences that demonstrate these choices.

Health Kost: test on stuff is on friday. The unit homework and the portfolio are both due on monday the 5th.

HTML & Web: Final project due next Wednesday

InSTAR ACE: Nothing as usual
- BDF: Nothing

(edited by Shruti at 5:38)
(edited by Chris at 4:24)
(edited by Ganesh at 5:07)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math O'Brien: Complete 1-24 on January 2005 regents
Afternoon classes: August 2004 1-24.
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Work on oxidation/reduction reactions worksheet.
- Schoen: No homework.
- Brendel: no hw

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes: Okay, I'm not going to post homework every day for Latin C because there is no homework for the rest of the year besides little quizzes, but I'll make sure to update you on those and a complete list of sententiae will hopefully go up as well. Other than that, make sure you keep working on your final projects which is were Mr. Hayes will be taking the final off of.

French C: Presentations continue tommorow

Spanish Dwyer: continue preparing for oral part of the final
- Prochillo: Fables are due tomorrow!!!!! Make sure youa have a vocab shet for th vocab hat you used in your story and extra credit if you make an about the authors page because we didnt have time to do in class.

German Aweh: Honors Packet

AP World History Riggio: Global trends essay now due Thursday.
- Rosequist: 50 MC test (global regents)

AP Art History: Artist presentations continue

English Failey: read LOTF by Monday next weel, Reflective essays due Thursday
- Oatis: 1984 presentations continue, portfolio due Thursday
- Eaton: Today's journal: 4-8: Your Deepest thoughts of the last two paragraphs of 1984. Essay on 1984 and Portfolio.
- Inners: Test tommorow on Our Town, there will be an essay question on how a character of your choice from the play is "Timeless."
-Etheridge: Reflective essay due Thursday: Requirements (due to popular demand):
Reflective Letter-select one prose piece. Then, write a reflective essay of approximately 500 words explaining what makes this your best writing of the year. Attach the piece you are featuring to the new essay. In preparing to write, consider questions such as:
*Meaning/main idea: What is the thesis (controlling idea) of your paper? Who is your intended audience? What do you want your reader to understand or think about after reading what you have written?
*Organization: Briefly explain why you constructed the essay or short story the way you did. How does it begin and end? What internal logic is there to the way the ideas in your body paragraphs move from one to the next? Did you wish to surprise, perplex, or provoke you audience in some part of your piece? Why did you end your essay or story the way you did?
*Development: Have you provided specific, accurate, and relevant facts and examples to support your main points? Or, if this is a short story, how have you developed characters, setting, and plot? Which of the sections of the essay or short story do you consider most successfully developed? Be specific.
*Editing: Have you revised teh piece to eliminate unrelated material or excess plot summary? Have you proofread carefully for spelling, paragraphing, sentence structure, usage, or citations?
*Language: Have you used vocabulary, sentence structure, and sentence variety effectively to reach readers? Point to word choices or well-written sentences that demonstrate these choices.

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: nothing
- BDF: Nothing

(edited by Mikey @ 19:49)
(Edited by Varun @ 17:21)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Homework for Memorial Day Weekend

Math O'Brien: Finish June 2005 Regents for Tuesday. For afternoon periods, January 2005 regents is due.
- Schwartz: Finish all of January '04 Regents

Chemistry Glazebrook: Homework sheet due Tuesday or you get a 0! <-- well that's what she said.. - Schoen: - Brendel:

Latin A/III
: No homework

Latin C Hayes

French C: Composer projects start Tuesday.

Spanish Dwyer: Nothing, speaking part for final sometime next week (5 out of the 15 questions on the sheet will be asked)
- Prochillo: Fable due May 31st; rest is same as Dwyer

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Project due Wednesday

- Rosequist: For period 7 hw due Tuesday

AP Art History: Projects start next week.

English Failey: All classes: Reflective letter due June 1st
Period 5- we will not be presenting our 1984 projects, just do them, and bring them in. We also have to read Lord of the Flies for next week
- Oatis: Continuing 1984 projects, portfolio due Thursday of next week.
- Eaton: Finish 1984
+ 1984 essay
+ finish all journals
+ portfolio
- Inners: Catch up in the novel for Tuesday
-Etheridge: reflective piece due thursday

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Final project due June 7th.

- BDF: Nothing

(edited by Shruti @ 7:25)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math O'Brien: #1-24 on June 2005 regents (see here for link)
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: You must hand in the equilibrium review sheets and acid/base lab if you haven't done so already. Test Thursday.
- Schoen: Test tomorrow.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: No homework

Latin C Hayes

French C: Final exam review sheet #3 due Thursday.

Spanish Dwyer: Nothing
- Prochillo:

German Aweh: Finish the vocab sheet.

AP World History Riggio: Continuing to work on DBQ in class tommorow, its due Thursday. Global trends project due next Wednesday.
- Rosequist: Presentations

AP Art History: Bibliography due Thursday.

English Failey: 1984 presentations continue, so make sure you get your assigned questions typed up.
- Oatis: Continuing 1984 presentations
- Eaton:
- Inners:
-Etheridge: packet due tomorrow

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Final project due June 9th, time tomorrow in class to work on them.

- BDF: Starting new paper tommorow, I guess.

(Edited by Ganesh at 4:07)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Homework for Monday

Check out the internet world premier of 2006: Big Brother in America on Google Video. See how the world today is becoming more and more like that of Orwell's 1984.

Watch it now! Click HERE
(now links to slightly higher quality version)

Math O'Brien: Finish the August 2005 Regents, for those going to the Sopohomore Celebration (7:30-8:30 formally, but arrive early, so says the letter), ask for the new Regents assignment tomorrow that's due Wed
- Schwartz: August '05 Part I

Chemistry Glazebrook: Finish equilibrium review sheet, also complete fill-in sheet we got in class today. If you didnt finish the acid lab, thats also due. Test Thursday.
- Schoen:
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: finish culture questions (up to 102)

Latin C Hayes

French C: No homework?

Spanish Dwyer: Short story due tomorrow
- Prochillo:

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Project due Wednesday, May 31st. We will be taking a regents DBQ practice that will count towards your writing grade tommorow (it should be easy). I dunno if we need to finish filling out that turning points chart (it couldn't hurt)
- Rosequist: Project due tomorrow

AP Art History: Bibliography due Thursday, no exceptions!

English Failey:
- Oatis: 1984 projects all this week.
- Eaton:+ do all journals
- journal 4-7: Find and comment on 3 examples that support a fatalistic reading of 1984.
+ find articles that would relate to 1984.
- Inners:
-Etheridge: Worksheets (Acts 1-3)

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

- BDF: Starting a new paper next time.