Friday, December 01, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

WMC Meteorology Center Report by Yang Li
The First Snowfall of the Season

For anyone curious about the impending nor'easter, I'll be frank in saying that you'll be disappointed. The storm is supposed to move northeast and stay away from land, at least before it heads to Canada. Forecasts show only about an inch or less except for the coast of Maine, so don't get your hopes up, not even for a delayed opening. If by some miracle the center of low pressure decides to slow down and move closer to the coast, there's still potential for something in the 1-3 inch range. In Newfoundland, the Canadians will get about 15-25 centimeters. As for other possible snow events this month, you'll be happy to know that the rest of the week and long range forecasts after that call for cold temperatures, so I believe it more than likely we'll get a more significant snowfall event prior to vacation. As for a white Christmas, I can't really say anything, except that historically it's not likely for us. For tonight, I'll call for a 1% chance of a snow day (I'll give it 1% b/c we had a rain day last year) and a 20% chance of a delayed opening.

Thank You Yang!!!
AP AB Calc Dillon: pg 307 & 308 #4,5,9,18,22
- Ambrose: pg. 318-319 #3, 5, 19

Physics Honors: Spira- balloon powerd cars lab due monday
- AP Physics: Test on Tuesday

Latin C/IV: Hayes: Quiz tomorrow on passive verbs from last week

French D: Nothing

Spanish D Martin: Food presentations
- Brecht: No homework

German Aweh:

AP American History Madden: Essay test Monday on ch11, for periods 2 and 6. It seems period 1 has chp. 12. Chp. 14 reading due Friday.
- Miller: NYT Quiz Mon; Test Tues for Chp. 11-12; Project proposal due Dec 8
- Buckland:

AP U.S. Government and Economics: Chp. 11 (to end) quiz Wed; project due 12/11

AP Comparative Govt/Eco:

AP Language Kelso:Annotate the essay and write a response in your journal, due Monday
- Horan: Great Gatsby Chp. 8 (I think)
- Rochford: Huck Fin chapters 8-11 due monday & reading quiz

Honors English: Hendrey: Grapes of Wrath due the 13th chapters 1-11 i think
-Gandt: Read chapters 1- 5 for The Catcher in the Rye, Vocab Test Thurs. (?) Chapt. 4, and Creatice Writing due Tuesday. Also start thinking about what book you want to do for the Independent Reading over Winter Break.

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Research report due Tue; Revised letter due Fri

(edited by Christina @ 8:44 PM)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

madden told period 1 the essay is on chapter 12-can anyone confirm this?

9:37 PM  
Blogger sir snark said...

She's probably trying to vary things up for the periods so there's no cheating

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's yang's weather report?!!?!?

everyone wear your pjs inside out tonight and pray for at least a delay!!

5:25 PM  
Blogger Mike Segalowitz said...

grasias yang..very optimistic with the %'s for the most part. Anyone kno if the history take home quiz is due monday, or tuesday??

8:08 PM  
Blogger Mike Segalowitz said...

For buckland that is*

8:09 PM  

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