Saturday, January 06, 2007 Transition

! Update: The site is now up on, but some kinks are still being worked out so everything is not fully functional. You can make an account if you wish, but you might not be able to get much done right now. Everything should be good in a few days after testing.

^ No really, I mean it. Everything is not working right now. Everything will be good in a few days of testing. I appreciate constructive criticism but wait for full release if its anything technical., an academically-oriented social networking site produced jointly by myself and Robert Sampson, the manager of the WMC sophomore, should be operational by the end of this weekend. I want to run a testing phase of the site with admins from WMC and WMC sophomore for the first week, then go to full launch. The site operates much like Facebook or Myspace, so in order to use it you must create an account first. We don't ask for much personal information whatsoever, and all information is stored on a server secured by Network Solutions. Here's an overview of some main features:

My Profile - your basic, run of the mill profile which displays user information (all customizable, and nothing is required) and also displays your class schedule. You can post on other's walls like the Facebook wall postings. Sorry, no photo albums feature (*yet*...the more successful the site is the more we can finance improvements).

My Classes - here's where you input your class schedule, and add new classes or teachers if other users from your school haven't done so already.

My Assignments - much like what WMC is now, except there are no admins. Everybody can post. However, you are limited to posting information for classes you chose in "My Classes" These can always be changed. You may also post questions/comments for assignments and attach files like images or word documents. There is also an external resources page with links you can edit, to create a set of resources much like the links in the sidebar on this page.

My Files - you can upload and store files for later download at another location.

Commons - each school has a commons page where anyone can post information for upcoming events to be displayed to all other school users. You can also upload files for public download, like flyers or whatever. Don't abuse the system or I'll delete you.

Messages - send a receive private messages

Obviously iHomeroom doesn't have nearly the scope of features as a site like Facebook or Myspace, but it isn't designed to replace these networks. Facebook and Myspace do not cater to information distribution like WMC, but iHomeroom does. As I said, I want to run a testing phase for the first week or so with only admins. Non-admins can create accounts too, but I won't have announced the official launch yet. When it's finally up, you can find it at

The site will be initially supported by Adsense ads just like on this page. We can be contacted for independent advertising. Revenues go towards improving the site and making back startup costs, so trust me none of it is going into my pockets for quite some time. All revenue from WMC to date will be contributed to Ward Melville's Kaleidescope newspaper.

I really really want suggestions or constructive critcisms once the site is up so I can make it the best possible, and I definitely depend on you for that. If you want to say anything at all, send it to


Blogger sir snark said...

bout time

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:50 PM  

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