Wednesday's Homework, 11/30
English:Failey: Journals due for Period 5 (I believe) tomorrow
Oatis: Presentations continue; no Vocab. Remember to bring in Angela's Ashes and/or your vocabulary book to work on for Thursday and Friday (but again, no vocab is due).
Etheridge: Keep up with the assignment sheet.
AP World: Riggio: Read in textbook pg. 629-639; Bring in Stearn's Document Reader!
Rosequist- Read Pages 573-586. Define: 1. Isandhlwana 2. Tropical Dependencies 3. White dominions 4. White Racial Supremacy 5.Great Trek 6. Boer Republics 7. Boer War 8. Cecil Rhodes 9. Kamehameha 10. Great Mahele. Then Answer: 11. Contrast European social interaction with indigenous people before and after 1850. 12. What were the motives behind the global scramble for colonies? 13. How did 19th century European imperialists transform their methods of economic extraction?
Chemistry: Glazebrook - If not done already, finish packet up to section 6.6; finish lab if you didn't yet; complete practice sheet.
Brendel 2/3...and 3/4??- (from yesterday) 7.3 - 7.10, 7.12, 7.14, 7.15 (from today) 7.16 - 7.18
InSTAR: Nothing was assigned from last class for the BDF class, but reading the sections you havent read yet for the Pb retention article wouldn't be a bad idea.
French: Ransford: Essay (choose one topic) due Fri, typed version due Mon
German: (C) Vocabulary sheet due...?
AP Art History: Nothing for tomorrow, start reviewing for test on Mon+Tue of next week
(Edited by Yang at 4:19 11/30/05)