Monday, November 21, 2005

Chem Test Format

Since I'm such a nice guy, I'm going to post the format of Brendel's chemistry test for all the people in periods 2+3.

20 Multiple Choice on:
-Simple q=mc (delta)t problems
-Differences between endothermic and exothermic reactions
KNOW That Exothermic=Increase in energy=Formation of Bonds and Endothermic=Decrease in Energy=Breaking of Bonds
-Some gram-mole and mole-mole conversions
-Relationship between energy and temperature
-The Table with all the reactions on it

6 Full Response:
-2 Standard q=mc (delta T)
-1 Bomb Calorimeter
-2 Enthalpy
-1 Calorimeter Dissolving Salt Question

And a naming bonus question.


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