Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Wednesday's Homework

To see the homework, go past the weather update

Channel 2 CBS is calling for 6+ inches, channel 4 NBC is predicting 4-8 inches, and channel 7 ABC states that we'll get 3-6 inches. This is most definetely a good chance for a snow day and this time, the track seems to stay more towards the coast, giving us a significant snowfall. One meterologist has a snowstorm scale--nuisance, plowable, and biblical. Biblical is like that blizzard last winter. This one is plowable, and another meterologist puts this at major, which is anywhere from 6 to 12 inches. That was CBS 2 with its 6+ prediction. The upper limit for start times is midnight (CBS 2) and the lower limit is 7 AM (Accuweather). ABC 7 has bewteen 4 and 6 AM. I'll take a time near the average, perhaps 4 AM. End time is Friday afternoon. Senior Meterologist Yang Li, signing off.

WMC Senior Meterologist Yang Li here. It seems that mother nature is acting up again, this time forming the basis for a new snowstorm. It's currently forming between low pressure systems, one in the great plains and the other in the Gulf of Mexico. Texas is getting snowed on right now. In the next two days, it'll make its way up to the Northeast. The current forecast calls for 3-6 inches from dawn Friday sometime in the afternoon Friday. It's good for another delayed opening or an early dismissal for that matter. 1010 WINS predicts it beginning very late Thursday while Accuweather says 7 AM, so I'm averagining that out to a dawn start. Of course, it could go either way. Any deviations in the track would greatly change the outcome, but since we're in the center of the 3-6 zone along the eastern seaboard, we're the most likely to stay as forecasted. I'm leaning towards an early dismissal, which is at 10 AM. Look for more updates tonight, tomorrow afternoon, and tomorrow night. Signing off...

O'Brien-Period 1-Finish review sheet, For all: WEA due Monday, test on friday. Other periods - finish review sheet if you didnt in class.

Health H: Kost-HW assignment due 12/14/05, test may be later than the originally scheduled 12/15/05

  • Oatis - Vocabulary due tommorow, quiz Friday.
  • Etheridge - Be ready to present tomorrow, and have the packet finished with your chapter's questions. Journal is now due Monday, and Test is also probably Monday.

AP World:
  • Riggio - Reading pg. 649-652, you'll need your document readers for Friday.
  • Rosequist - Homework #3 on Chapter 26 is due on Friday.

  • Glazebrook - Test on Friday for period 4/5, Monday for period 8/9, period 1/2 Friday
  • Brendel - Review questions: 7.112, 7.116, 7.118, 7.120*, 7.122* (the last two are only in the book, not the packet). 2/3 Test: Tuesday, 3/4 Test: ?

German C: Aweh - Test Tomorrow on vocabulary, and the story we read about the birthday gift, and probably other things.

AP Art History: Dietz - Read 7.1 and 7.2 with questions answered for Friday

InSTAR: Brendel-Clinoptilolite Quiz postponed until further notice for BDF class / ACE-???


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