Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math: O'Brien-Do sheet of 10 log equations in notebook.

French Ransford: PC/Imparfait test tommorw, 30 questions, fill in sentences with proper tense and conjugation style test. Here is a website with helpful information regarding PC and imparfait.

CHI: Kost- Final debate project (tri-board) due tomorrow, HW assignment due tomrrow, Test Thursday on STDs

English: Failey-Our Town test tomorrow
- Oatis: Vocab Unit #7 due Thurs, quiz Fri

Spanish C: Dwyer- Vocabulary sheet due tomorrow
Prochilo: Sub so the homework i guess if you did not finish classwork.

German C: Aweh: Finish worksheet on the dative case. Honors packet due tomorrow. Project on German-American people due the 19th.

AP World: Riggio- Lenin Document questions due tomorrow, Read pg 713-716 in textbook (and if you want get started on next night's reading). Stearns Documents Reader Questions due Tommorow! See blackboard or previous post for question #'s and pages.

Chemistry: Glazebrook- Possible quiz Thursday. For Period 8 at least, complete first page (or first side of first page? Glaze wasnt too clear on this, dont blame me...) of outline, other admins confirm this for other periods.
Schoen: None

AP Psychology Wilson: No homework. Vocab list # 5 due next Tuesday.

InSTAR Brendel - ACE/BDF: Continue Dupont Essay


Blogger me life said...

Isn't Kost's test Wednesday??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!

4:12 PM  
Blogger Ganesh Thippeswamy said...

no, everything was delayed a day, so I am 75% sure that theres a test on thursday, not tomorrow

5:10 PM  
Blogger me life said...

I'm now 99% sure we have a test tommorow. It's okay. If it's not tommorow, I'll have studied for it anyway ^_^

9:44 PM  

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