Homework for Wednesday
French C: Vocabulary portion of midterm test tommorow, see this website for all the terms you need to know. The grammar portion is on Friday.
German C Project on famous German-Americans due tomorrow, be ready to present your person.
Chemistry Glazebrook: For all periods except 8, first portion (easy) of chapter 9 test is tommorow, with the harder questions Friday. Complete your outline and corresponding homework questions. For Period 8, the entire test is Friday, though try and have your outline completed by tommorow and, if you can, do the questions on the review sheet.
Schoen: Test tomorrow. June 2004 regents due Friday.
Math O'Brien: Quiz tommorow on Newton's Law of Cooling and Logarithmic Equations. STUDY!!
AP Art History: 9.2 is due tommorow.
InSTAR BDF: DuPont essay due tommorow or at latest Friday. ACE: Essay due Friday.
AP World History Riggio: Use review sheet to study for the comparison essay of the midterm, to be taken in class on Friday.
English Oatis: No vocabulary, no homework.
- Inners- Portfolio due friday:
- pick 2 best pieces and write .5 pg reflections on each.
- Use two of these: Lord of the Flies, Contolling Idea, Antigone Essay, Survival Essay
-Failey: Period 5 make sure you bring in your assigned food for curriculum related food day tomorrow. NO EAST OF EDEN TEST ON FRIDAY, CHANGED TO A UNIT FOUR VOCAB QUIZ! Period 2 - make sure your journals are up to date.
Latin C Hayes: Sententiae test tomorrow
(Edited by Zach at 3:58 PM)
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