Friday, January 20, 2006

Homework for Weekend

Midterms Next Week: See Ward Melville Homepage (link to the right) for full schedule, room assignments to be posted here shortly.

O'Brien- Test corrections due Monday, start working on murder mystery assignment

Health H: Kost-Midterm exam next Friday, look over study sheet

English: Failey- East of Eden Test on Tuesday the 31st
- Oatis: Nothing

AP World: Riggio- Midterm exam next Wednesday

Chemistry H: Glazebrook-Hand in outline if not done yet, midterm on Thursday...REVIEW SESSION WED AFTER AP MIDTERM 9-11
Schoen: Finish January 2004 regents.

German C Aweh: Be prepared to present your project if you havn't already.

AP Art: Study for Midterm exam. Extra credit powerpoint due Tuesday.

Orchestra: Review session Tuesday followed by a re-test for those of you who failed miserably and are worried about your orchestra grade..not sure what time...

(edited by Hari on 1/22/06 at 7.31 pm)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anybody know where the apwh midterm is?

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the midterm is probably in the possesesion of mr. rosequist or mrs. riggio

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, wow I forgot about those math test corrections. hehe. and the apwh midterm is in room 121 if you have riggio. I don't know about rosequist.

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it depends on what period you have with what teacher

4:00 PM  

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