Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math O'Brien: Read pg. 511 ex #7, 1-13 odd, 23, 25, 30, 31, 32
- Schwartz: look over the packet and write down whatever questions you have for her. Finish the rest of the packet and come with questions. The test is on thursday and is apparently also on friday. It is a two day test so study all of trigonometry.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Continue to work on outline and worksheet packet, remember to hand in all your labs.
- Schoen: we have pages 100-103 in the review book and do questions #24-37
- Brendel: Test tomorrow on Chapter 11 for both classes (30MC only)

Latin A/III: no homework

Latin C Hayes

French C: Short presentations on scenes from LGMP tommorow; no direct homework.

Spanish Dwyer: No Homework
- Prochillo: think about what you want to do for the Foreign Poster Contest

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: DBQ essay due tommorow, though you can hand it in Thursday without any penalty. Other than that, if you did the reading from yesterday, there's no homework.
- Rosequist: Homework # 3 due friday

AP Art History: Quiz on chp. 9 tommorow, notes available on blackboard.

English Failey: Follow assignment sheet, Quotation discussion continues tomorrow, read ch 4 and 5
- Oatis: Julius Caesar test tommorow, use review sheets to study, and you could also try sparknotes for study materials. Vocab unit 10 due Thursday.
- Eaton: exam on vocabulary chapters 1-6 on friday
- Inners: Essay is now due Friday, but if you have it done for tommorow, you'll get extra credit.
-Etheridge: journal entry (caeser)

Health Kost: no homework

HTML & Web: Nothing, test later this week

InSTAR ACE: Presentations start thursday, order is as follows: Yang, Michelle and Anne
- BDF: Presentations start tommorow, order is as follows: Ganesh, Ethan, Ross (though he said we may not get to Ross)

(edited by Chris at 4:04)

Monday, February 27, 2006

Homework for Monday

Click here to go to the new WMC Regents site...we are actively looking for admins so send me an email (preferably) or leave a comment if you are interested

Math O'Brien: Finish first side of triangles sheet she gave out in class if you didnt already. Ethan, I don't remember any assignment for Period 1 and period 7, it might have been exclusive for your class.
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Get as much work as possible done! The outline, labs, worksheet packet, and worksheet she handed out in class today. She wants you to hand it in ASAP!
- Schoen: no homework except get your grade sheet signed for wednesday
- Brendel: Test on Wednesday on Chapter 11

Latin A/III: Hayes: No homework.

Latin C Hayes

French C: Do questions 1-8 (except #6) regarding La Gloire de Mon Père, and if you didnt already hand them in do the reaction paragraphs for the movie (they were due before vacation).

Spanish Dwyer: No homework
- Prochillo: no homework

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Read pgs. 764 - 766, DBQ essay due Thursday now for period 6 at least, but you can hand it in Wednesday if you want.
- Rosequist: HW #2 and quiz tomorrow

AP Art History:

English Failey: Follow assignment sheet, find quotations from chapters 2 and 3 in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Oatis: Do any questions you can on the JC review sheets, though we will be going over it in class tommorow anyway. Also, he didn't say anything, but I assume there is vocab this week. JC test Wed.
- Eaton: the two journals that should have been done over break. Other than that there is not homework
- Inners: Julius Ceasar essay due Wednesday
-Etheridge: Journals? Otherwise no homework

Health Kost: no homework

HTML & Web: Sports Web Page due tomorrow (you may get time during class, but I wouldn't count on it)

InSTAR ACE: Presentations start thursday as we will discuss about them tomorrow in class
- BDF: Powerpoint presentations start Wednesday (order of presentation: Ganesh, Ethan, Ross [though he said we might not get to 3 people, so I dunno]). For ACE and BDF, you need the presentation for the day you're doing it, not strictly Thursday or Wednesday, unless you're scheduled to go that day.

Edited by Michelle 4:50
Edited by Ganesh at 4:28)
(Edited by Chris at 2:49)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Homework for the Vacation

Click here to visit the new Ward Melville Companion site for level 2 classes (except adv. math)

Math O'Brien: Wea#14 on Trig. due the day we get back.
- Schwartz: math packet that is due the first wednesday when we get back from break

Chemistry Glazebrook: No direct homework, though you should work on the outline (up to 11.4), the labs (molar volume and freezing/melting point lab), and the worksheet packet she gave out on Friday. If you hand these in early, you get extra credit on the test.
- Schoen: no homework over the break except getting the grade sheet signed
- Brendel: Test on Tuesday or Wednesday After Break--Have the three worksheets completed and the regents review packets along with the textbook assigments which includes: (11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 11.10, 11.11, 11.12, 11.17, 11.19, 11.28, 11.29, 11.30, 11.32, 11.35, 11.38, 11.42, 11.55, 11.57, 11.58, 11.60, 11.72, 11.84, 11.85, 11.86, 11.87, 11.88, 11.89, 11.91, 11.93, 11.94, 11.95, 11.96, 11.97, 11.98, 11.99, 11.100, and 11.111) *ones in bold are newly assigned

Latin A/III: Hayes-12.3 Translation

Latin C Hayes

French C: No homework, another response to the movie is not necessary.

Spanish Dwyer: Writing assigment due the day we get back (make sure you follow the guidelines)--questions packet also due (counts as a quiz).
For those of you who may have temporarily misplaced your packets...here's images of it:

- Prochillo: watch some spanish tv

German Aweh: Start working on your Bundesland project. Rewrite your aufsatz if you haven't already.

AP World History Riggio: DBQ Webquest Project is due the Wednesday after the break, so you should get most of it done over vacation. Click here for the webquest website.
- Rosequist: Quiz and HW#2 due tuesday

AP Art History: Quiz for 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 on Wed, notes on Blackboard (there's a lot of notes). She wanted us to take notes on 9.3 by ourselves too...though since there are notes uploaded now I dunno...

English Failey: read chapter one of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Oatis: No direct homework, though I highly recommend you all find your independent reading books and get started on them, the project will be due before you know it!
- Eaton: read Of Mice and Men, do the two journals that you should have written down
- Inners:
-Etheridge: Journals should be collected soon Worksheet on Julius Caeser

Health Kost: the homework is explained on the sheet that she handed out. It is all due the monday that we get back

HTML & Web: Littman: Sports Web Page Project due Tuesday

InSTAR ACE: projects due the week we get back, presentation starts thursday
- BDF: Powerpoints due when we get back, Wednesday, not Monday for the BDF class.

(Edited by Ganesh, 4:16)
(Edited by Michelle, 4:20)
(Edited by Chris at 5:54)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Homework for Thursday

Math O'Brien: Complete the second question in the quadratic functions packet.
- Schwartz: Test tomorrow so study off of the packets and any notes

Chemistry Glazebrook: Read up to section 11.4 in textbook and complete relevant questions in outline (it was designed for the old book, so not everything will match up)
- Schoen: no homework
- Brendel: Test on Tuesday or Wednesday After Break--Have the two worksheets completed and the regents review packets along with the textbook assigments which includes: (11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 11.10, 11.11, 11.12, 11.17, 11.19, 11.28, 11.29, 11.30, 11.32, 11.35, 11.38, 11.42, 11.55, 11.57, 11.58, 11.60, 11.91, 11.93, 11.94, 11.95, 11.96, 11.97 and 11.98)

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes: Roman picture project due tomorrow

French C: For period 7, you only need 200 words out of the 300 for the response/synopsis to the movie (see previous posts for further details) for tommorow. Period 1 needs 250 - 300 words total.

Spanish Dwyer: Practice the oral quiz excercises
- Prochillo: Quiz on Vocabulary from the short story we read

German Aweh: Genetiv test tomorrow.

AP World History Riggio: Interwar period and World War II test tommorow, 50 MC questions on chapters 29, 30, and 31, though not every section of all the chapters, see weekly review sheets for which sections (you can find a photo of the sheet here). See here for a World War II outline and here for an Interwar Outline.
- Rosequist: Quiz was moved from this Friday to sometime after break

AP Art History: No direct homework, she wants you to read 9.3 and take notes on it over vacation; we already did the questions for it a while ago.

English Failey: Discussing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tomorrow so it would be smart to read the first chapter. Bring in some food for curriculum related food day.
- Oatis: No homework, watching video tommorow.
- Eaton: Essay on Julius Caesar is due tomorrow
- Inners:

Health Kost: no homework

HTML & Web: "Design your own sports web page" assignment due Tuesday after break

InSTAR ACE: Powerpoints due after vacation.
- BDF: Powerpoints due after vacation.

(edited by Chris at 3:14)
(Edited by Ganesh at 4:51)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Math O'Brien: No homework
- Schwartz: the packet that she handed out. Do only the evens and number 45

Chemistry Glazebrook: No homework, unless you want to start reading chapter 11 (up to 11.4)
- Schoen: we have a test tmrw so study
- Brendel: Check comments section

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: 80-100 word response to movie, include synopsis and personal reaction, all 3 of these are due Friday.

Spanish Dwyer: Finish sheet with incomplete sentences
- Prochillo: dialogues are due tmrw and another vocab worksheet

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Interwar and WWII test Friday.
- Rosequist:

AP Art History: No homework

English Failey: Continuing East of Eden essays , you may use journals and those criticism sheets
- Oatis: No homework, no vocab this week.
- Eaton: no homework except that essay due Friday
- Inners:

Health Kost: homework on sheet due after break

HTML & Web: Textbooks tomorrow, as always

InSTAR ACE: Powerpoint presentations due after break.
- BDF: Same as ACE.

(edited by Chris at 3:13)