Monday, February 27, 2006

Homework for Monday

Click here to go to the new WMC Regents site...we are actively looking for admins so send me an email (preferably) or leave a comment if you are interested

Math O'Brien: Finish first side of triangles sheet she gave out in class if you didnt already. Ethan, I don't remember any assignment for Period 1 and period 7, it might have been exclusive for your class.
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Get as much work as possible done! The outline, labs, worksheet packet, and worksheet she handed out in class today. She wants you to hand it in ASAP!
- Schoen: no homework except get your grade sheet signed for wednesday
- Brendel: Test on Wednesday on Chapter 11

Latin A/III: Hayes: No homework.

Latin C Hayes

French C: Do questions 1-8 (except #6) regarding La Gloire de Mon Père, and if you didnt already hand them in do the reaction paragraphs for the movie (they were due before vacation).

Spanish Dwyer: No homework
- Prochillo: no homework

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Read pgs. 764 - 766, DBQ essay due Thursday now for period 6 at least, but you can hand it in Wednesday if you want.
- Rosequist: HW #2 and quiz tomorrow

AP Art History:

English Failey: Follow assignment sheet, find quotations from chapters 2 and 3 in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Oatis: Do any questions you can on the JC review sheets, though we will be going over it in class tommorow anyway. Also, he didn't say anything, but I assume there is vocab this week. JC test Wed.
- Eaton: the two journals that should have been done over break. Other than that there is not homework
- Inners: Julius Ceasar essay due Wednesday
-Etheridge: Journals? Otherwise no homework

Health Kost: no homework

HTML & Web: Sports Web Page due tomorrow (you may get time during class, but I wouldn't count on it)

InSTAR ACE: Presentations start thursday as we will discuss about them tomorrow in class
- BDF: Powerpoint presentations start Wednesday (order of presentation: Ganesh, Ethan, Ross [though he said we might not get to 3 people, so I dunno]). For ACE and BDF, you need the presentation for the day you're doing it, not strictly Thursday or Wednesday, unless you're scheduled to go that day.

Edited by Michelle 4:50
Edited by Ganesh at 4:28)
(Edited by Chris at 2:49)


Blogger Varun Talanki said...

Rosequist: HW #2 due tommorow and quiz #2 tommorow
Inners: essay on Julius Caesar due wednesday

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

riggio-dont know about any other classes... but for 2nd period- test corrections due tommorow or wednesday
(if you got above a 65= you get 10 pts
if you got below a 65= she'll bring you up to a 65.)

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the julius caesar essay for inners isnt due tommorow, its due wednesday

6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do we have to have our instar presentations done and handed in weds? even if we r not presenting (for the BDF class)

8:58 PM  
Blogger me life said...

Also, third post about inners essay, she said something about people that went to her about some AP essay thats also due or something?

Anyway, she said she'll accept it up to Friday.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

w/e i'm not doing my instar powerpoint for tomorrow.

10:08 PM  

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