Thursday, February 16, 2006

Homework for Thursday

Math O'Brien: Complete the second question in the quadratic functions packet.
- Schwartz: Test tomorrow so study off of the packets and any notes

Chemistry Glazebrook: Read up to section 11.4 in textbook and complete relevant questions in outline (it was designed for the old book, so not everything will match up)
- Schoen: no homework
- Brendel: Test on Tuesday or Wednesday After Break--Have the two worksheets completed and the regents review packets along with the textbook assigments which includes: (11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 11.10, 11.11, 11.12, 11.17, 11.19, 11.28, 11.29, 11.30, 11.32, 11.35, 11.38, 11.42, 11.55, 11.57, 11.58, 11.60, 11.91, 11.93, 11.94, 11.95, 11.96, 11.97 and 11.98)

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes: Roman picture project due tomorrow

French C: For period 7, you only need 200 words out of the 300 for the response/synopsis to the movie (see previous posts for further details) for tommorow. Period 1 needs 250 - 300 words total.

Spanish Dwyer: Practice the oral quiz excercises
- Prochillo: Quiz on Vocabulary from the short story we read

German Aweh: Genetiv test tomorrow.

AP World History Riggio: Interwar period and World War II test tommorow, 50 MC questions on chapters 29, 30, and 31, though not every section of all the chapters, see weekly review sheets for which sections (you can find a photo of the sheet here). See here for a World War II outline and here for an Interwar Outline.
- Rosequist: Quiz was moved from this Friday to sometime after break

AP Art History: No direct homework, she wants you to read 9.3 and take notes on it over vacation; we already did the questions for it a while ago.

English Failey: Discussing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tomorrow so it would be smart to read the first chapter. Bring in some food for curriculum related food day.
- Oatis: No homework, watching video tommorow.
- Eaton: Essay on Julius Caesar is due tomorrow
- Inners:

Health Kost: no homework

HTML & Web: "Design your own sports web page" assignment due Tuesday after break

InSTAR ACE: Powerpoints due after vacation.
- BDF: Powerpoints due after vacation.

(edited by Chris at 3:14)
(Edited by Ganesh at 4:51)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to anybody who was wondering...
the first stearns doc reader assignment is:

Italian Fascism, German Nazism and Argentine Peronism

Pages 381-396

Answer questions 1-10 on Page 384

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s: for the comment above: it's for RIGGIO

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohh. it's you again. oh my god.. be respectful for a change, why don't you? notice how you're the only one who is commenting negatively and EVERYBODY is springing up to defend ethan and everyone else...
if you dont have something nice to say then shut up.. jeez..

4:29 PM  
Blogger Ganesh Thippeswamy said...

Yea really, just shut up italics

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Aweh we have a quiz on everything we learned on genitiv. Sprachfest money and permission slips are also due and I have no idea when our projects are due. It might be the Wednesday after break.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol i think its steve.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah i bet its steve also.

i tried to post before but blogoer was down. someone post up their notes for riggio i fucking hate her tests so much. zach put some up thx, but not all of the stuff covered on the test.

also some study stuff for english test tommarow would have been cool.
o well, too late for that

9:35 PM  

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