Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math O'Brien: Read pg. 511 ex #7, 1-13 odd, 23, 25, 30, 31, 32
- Schwartz: look over the packet and write down whatever questions you have for her. Finish the rest of the packet and come with questions. The test is on thursday and is apparently also on friday. It is a two day test so study all of trigonometry.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Continue to work on outline and worksheet packet, remember to hand in all your labs.
- Schoen: we have pages 100-103 in the review book and do questions #24-37
- Brendel: Test tomorrow on Chapter 11 for both classes (30MC only)

Latin A/III: no homework

Latin C Hayes

French C: Short presentations on scenes from LGMP tommorow; no direct homework.

Spanish Dwyer: No Homework
- Prochillo: think about what you want to do for the Foreign Poster Contest

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: DBQ essay due tommorow, though you can hand it in Thursday without any penalty. Other than that, if you did the reading from yesterday, there's no homework.
- Rosequist: Homework # 3 due friday

AP Art History: Quiz on chp. 9 tommorow, notes available on blackboard.

English Failey: Follow assignment sheet, Quotation discussion continues tomorrow, read ch 4 and 5
- Oatis: Julius Caesar test tommorow, use review sheets to study, and you could also try sparknotes for study materials. Vocab unit 10 due Thursday.
- Eaton: exam on vocabulary chapters 1-6 on friday
- Inners: Essay is now due Friday, but if you have it done for tommorow, you'll get extra credit.
-Etheridge: journal entry (caeser)

Health Kost: no homework

HTML & Web: Nothing, test later this week

InSTAR ACE: Presentations start thursday, order is as follows: Yang, Michelle and Anne
- BDF: Presentations start tommorow, order is as follows: Ganesh, Ethan, Ross (though he said we may not get to Ross)

(edited by Chris at 4:04)


Blogger me life said...

Inners: essay is now due Friday, but if you have it done for tommorow, you'll get extra credit.

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joyce smells like a poopy butt.

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo can someone PLEASE update the regents site??? (besides bio and math)

6:38 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

We're still looking for admins to put information on...it doesn't happen magically...

7:19 PM  

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