Friday, February 10, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

! See for information regarding Saturday's snowfall, bringing blizzard-like conditions to our area. For the NEW evening weather update, see past the homework list.

Math O'Brien: Trig test Tuesday, evens on review sheet due Monday, WEA also due Mon if you didn't hand it in.
- Schwartz: The sheet she gave out in class. The kids in period 9 who didn't get the sheet, she wrote three problems on the board for you; the rest of the sheet you can do in class Monday.

Chemistry Glazebrook: No homework.
- Schoen:
- Brendel: Whatever he assigned to your class. Period 2 has like, 17 problems.

Latin A/III: Hayes-5 facts (I-P-G-C-S-M) and first paragraph of 12.2 markup/translation

Latin C Hayes: Continue to work on your roman picture project.

French C: Make sure you know how to use avant de and après constructions and be ready to speak 5 sentences describing your school day using these, though you dont need to write it down.

Spanish Dwyer: Quiz on the subjunctive Monday. The three sheets that the subs gave us have to be turned in. CHECK YOUR CONJUGATIONS. He's taking off 10 points per misconjugated verb, he says to use
-Prochilo- second vocab quiz on monday, on the second half of the vocab (she told us which ones)

German Aweh: Start working on your project

AP World History Riggio: Reading and corresponding questions, refer to assignment sheet (see here for the assignment sheet image file)
- Rosequist: No homework

AP Art History: AP exam style essay on how artwork represents their cultures due Mon.

English Failey: Finish your journals if you have not handed them in yet. Read the Contemporary Literary Critiscm for East of Eden, and do the citation and annotation-- due Wednesday when we write the in class essay on EoE using the stuff from CLC.
- Oatis: He said to Period 3 he wanted us to have a list of 3 books we were thinking about for our independent reading assignment, but in some cases if you already told him what book you wanted to do and he said okay, I dont think this would be necessary.
- Eaton:
- Inners: read pages 773-789 in the textbook, which is scenes i and ii in Julius Caeser.
-Etheridge: Journal entries week 5, and if you didn't do chapter 6 earlier for vocab, do it now.

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

- BDF:

(Edited by Zach at 4:51PM)


The storm is over; the cleanup is not. For NYC, this is their biggest snowstorm of all time (well, recorded time, that is). Thanks to a heavy band of snow that sat over the city for hours, they have a total of 26.9 inches, a bit more than the 1947 blizzard. We received about 18 inches, give or take due to the blizzard winds creating massive drifts in some places and thin depressions in others. Wheras NYC's snow will be easily moved off and melted down, our roads will be elss easy to clear. When this blizzard began, a lot of the snow melted on the warm ground. During the night, the ground chilled, frezzing the melted snow and forming a layer of ice. Those of you who shoveled today may have noticed that. I can say that Ridgeway, one of those two lane roads cleared divide by yellow lines, is completely covered. When the plows go by, they aren't removing a whole lot of snow. That's the hardened ice layer at work. Tomorrow that will all melt on the main roads because of the sun (temperatures will be around freezing but the sunlight increases it a bit) but tonight, the salt and sand they try to apply won't be very effective. I'll stick with a 70% of a delayed opening now, but as Ethan said earlier, be prepared for regular opening. Things will heat up to 52 later this week, but cool down to 23 next Sunday. Look for a colder and snowier than normal late February and March. This is the final update for the Blizzard of 2006.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prochilo- second vocab quiz on monday, on the second half of the vocab (she told us which ones)

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Failey- Read the Contemporary Literary Critiscm for East of Eden, and do the citation and annotation-- due Wednesday when we write the in class essay on EoE using the stuff from CLC.

3:51 PM  
Blogger me life said...

Inners: read pages 773-789 in the textbook, which is scenes i and ii in Julius Caeser. (spelling??)

Schwartz: the sheet she gave out in class. The kids in period 9 who didn't get the sheet, she wrote three problems on the board for you; the rest of the sheet you can do in class Monday.

Brendel: Whatever he assigned to your class. Period 2 has like, 17 problems.

Rosequist: none?

Dwyer: Quiz on the subjunctive Monday. The three sheets that the subs gave us have to be turned in. CHECK YOUR CONJUGATIONS. He's taking off 10 points per misconjugated verb, he says to use

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, could you guys post the weekly homework sheet thingy that ms. riggio gave us for this week? i was asbent the day she gave it out

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

failey; vocab quiz on unit five feb 13? thats what it says on the assignment sheet.

12:03 PM  
Blogger Varun Talanki said...

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7:52 PM  

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