Monday, April 03, 2006

Homework For Monday

Orchestra Students: 3rd quarter arrangement project due Friday or any day before that. Print out the full score, and individual parts for each instrument. The program, Finale Notepad, can be found here. Questions, Concerns, Comments about this project? See here for the WMC Forum discussion on this topic.

Math O'Brien: Circled problems on worksheet, project due tommorow, WEA due Wednesday.
- Schwartz: complete packet that she handed out. Do all of the evens.

Chemistry Glazebrook: pg. 805, #5 and 6, read 18.2 - 18.3, finish classwork (entropy questions)
- Schoen: no homework
- Brendel: review questions and quiz tomorrow

Latin A/III: Hayes-

Latin C Hayes

French C: Finish 10 step composition for tommorow, and study sports vocab for quiz Wednesday.

Spanish Dwyer: Do the two worksheet pages
- Prochilo: complete the composition with the poster that has four pictures, and your notecards. Presentations will start on Wednesday for period nine and I believe the rest of the periods as well.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Keep reading the textbook. There is a test this friday.
- Rosequist: dbq presentations start tomorrow

AP Art History: Chp. 14 due Wednesday.

English Failey: See assignment sheet for details; journals on Julius Caesar due this week, reduced Julius Caesar due sometime soon... Curriculum related food day is Wednesday for period 5. Theme-desserts/end of the life cycle.
- Oatis: Chp. 12 and corresponding questions, LOTF test Thursday.
- Eaton: complete all journals that were assigned. They will be due by this Friday before the third quarter ends. Keep reading Angela's Ashes.
- Inners: Quiz on parts I and II of 1984 on Wednesday. Also, finish that character sheet thing since we're probably going over it tommorow.

Health Kost: no homework

HTML & Web: Nothing direct, she wont be in until thursday I believe, but make sure you dont slack off during class and just get those pages she assigned in the textbook done

InSTAR ACE: Presentations continue. Friday, a senior is presenting so no presentations.
- BDF: Presentations continue.

3rd Quarter ends Friday!!!

(Edited by Ganesh at 6:51)
(Edited by Shruti @ 4:07 PM)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

french (Ransford pd 1)= finish the 10 steps for homework. she will be checking tomorrow; and you need to present on wednesday. also, study vocab words (sports). there is a quiz on wednesday

math (obrien)= project due tomorrow on sinusoidal curves, WEA due thursday. do the problems on the ditto which she told us to do

english (oatis)= do chapter 12 for homework. test thursday? no vocab this week

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WEA is due Wed....

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah my bad

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg balls are the best <3

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

- joyce
it's all out of jealousy not anger. :]

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When's the kaleidiscope april issue comming out?

6:45 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

I'm pretty sure it should be distributed the week after vacation.

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't glazebrook give out hw problems for period 1?

7:07 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

oops...almost forgot about those...okay I added them.

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just ask failey for a "cirriculum related food day" and she'll give you one. so she can eat more. :)

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the history test (riggio) count for the 3rd or the 4th quarter?

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aweh didn't give any hw, but i don't know when the test on streetsign, crosswalk, etc. is

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeahh and didnt obrien have problems too?

8:07 PM  

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