Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Homework For Wednesday

Math O'Brien: same ditto, #'s 39, 51, 55, 63, 65
- Schwartz: Work on the assigned numbers in the packet on Coordinate Proofs. Complete the Spring Break packet if it is not done already.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Chapter 13 worksheet (whole thing), ch. 13 outline up to and including practice problem 6; Period 4/5: Packet due Fri
- Schoen: Work on the sheet that he handed out to your best ability.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Finish practice regents

Latin C Hayes

French C: Label diagram of person with as many parts as you can, and on the other side of the sheet use pgs. 67-68 to define all the terms.

Spanish Dwyer: Packet on the barber and captain, we can work on the assignment in class tomorrow but its due at the end of the period I believe.
- Prochillo: work on sheets on preterite and imperfect stuff.

German Aweh: No Homework.

AP World History Riggio: Group presentations begun and will go on for the rest of the week and some of next week. Keep studying for the AP test.
- Rosequist: Homework #1 due friday

AP Art History: Quiz on chp. 15 & 16 tommorow; you must be able to recognize and image and name its artist.

English Failey: No homework, no test...
- Oatis: Start reading 1984
- Eaton: read the first chapter of Lord of the Flies. Expect a quiz tomorrow.
- Inners: Vocabulary quiz tommorow on Ch. 8 for period 6
-Etheridge: Find allusion to 1984 in the media

Health Kost: Homework for the current unit is due Monday April 24th.

HTML & Web: Test on table postponed to FRIDAY

- BDF: Presentations are probably continuing tommorow, though we may be watching a movie.

(merged with Chris's post at 2:39)
(Edited by Ganesh at 8:09)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there test tommorow in Failey on Julius Caesar?

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMGOSH. IS THERE? if there is, i'm so screwed.

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no, I asked her today and there's not

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like how only riggio has to keep studying for the ap test and not rosequist - -

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what? we're all studying for the ap test.. PRINCETON REVIEW ALL THE WAY!!!

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Princeton sucks. Barrons is so much better.

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually REA is better than Princeton, Barrons, and Kaplan.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Princeton is GOD
And I hate Kaplan with a passion
Barrons is decent though

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barrons is pretty much ur textbook in paperback(useless). Princeton all the way!

9:52 PM  

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