Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summer Reading Assignments

AP American History: Read up to chapter 5, which would be up to and including page 142. According to the assignment sheet, you will have to take "copious" notes on these chapters, and there will be a test on the material sometime in the first week of school.
The exact assingment is here:

AP English Language and Composition: Read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. You can skip the opening essay and start with chapter 1. You must also choose a biography or nonfiction work to read from the list they provided. You will need to keep journals on these readings.
The exact assingment is here:

See Update regarding this assignment in comments section - AP Comparative Government: From comments: Read the first 7 chapters of the textbook you should have recieved, and define vocab at the end of each chapter either in a notebook or on index cards. You should be able to find examples of each vocabulary word as well within the chapters, i.e., if a system of government is defined, you should know which country it can be found in. There are also practice questions available on the blackboard comparative site; the username and password are both compgov. After you finish reading the seven chapters, please log onto Blackboard and read the Democratization and Glovalization briefing papers provided by the college board (click on Intro to Comp Politics: Briefing Papers). In addition, there are two subfolders ot help inform your reading and guide our discusssions in September.

AP US Government: Here are the summer reading assignment sheets:

Any other assignments I've forgotten about? Leave a comment. This is the last post of the 2005-2006 school year. Be sure to come back next year for a new and improved Ward Melville Companion Junior!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Finals/Regents Information

Not that any of you care very much, but I put in a new type of calendar (see the sidebar), where I can actually put in due dates and dates of school events and things like that, which I think is much more useful than a static calendar. Check back here after the chem regents for a summer reading post (where we will upload summer reading assignment sheets), which should be the absolute last post for this school year.

I encourage anybody who knows the room number for their specific class to leave a comment, and an administrator will put it up on the main post.

Monday, June 12th
  • 7:20 - 8:50 - English 10H(onors) - see here for an overview of literary terms
    • Period 3 Oatis - Rm. 128
    • Period 8 Oatis - Rm. 129
    • Period 1 Eaton - Rm. 237
    • Period 2 Failey-123
    • Period 5 Failey-125
    • Period 1 Etheridge-121
  • 8:55 - 10:25 - Chemistry Honors
  • 10:30 - 12:00 - Sophomore English
  • 12:05 - 2:00 - AP Psychology
  • 12:00-1:25 - Health (for those who had the Honors Chem final)
    • Rm. 137
Tuesday, June 13th
  • 7:20 - 8:50 - Spanish C, French C (see here for online review)
    • Period 1 French - Rm. 130
    • Period 7 French - Rm. 131
    • Period 7 Spanish (Prochilo)- Rm. 123
  • 12:05 - 1:35 - Math 10H
    • Period 4 - Rm. 123
Wednesday, June 14th
  • 8:55 - 10:25 - Latin A, Latin C
    • Period 4 - Rm. 134
    • Period 3- Rm. 133
  • 12:00 - 3:00 - Global History Regents
    • Period 1 Rosequist - Rm. 122
    • Period 5 Rosequist- Rm. 124
    • Period 2 Riggio - Rm. 234
    • Period 6 Riggio - Rm. 237
Thursday, June 15th
  • 12:00 - 3:00 - Math B Regents
    • Period 4 Schwartz - 237
    • Period 4 O'Brien - Rm. 122
Wednesday, June 21st
  • 12:00 - 3:00 - Chemistry Regents --- Party at Ross' house after the regents, food and drinks will be provided (there will also be pool access there). If you are interested, please contact Ross via AIM at ZhangR0SS1 (the o is a zero). For more info, you can view his profile.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Year End Statistics

The following is an overview of year end statistics for Ward Melville Companion and WMC-related websites. Statistics gathering began on November 26, 2005, through Statcounter, though this report will also use data gathered by Google Analytics. If you want the homework for Thursday night, see below this post, or dont read this if you're not interested. I'm also making this post just for my own records.

Total Unique Visits (these are distinguished from page loads): 17, 282 (WMC Honors) + 1,075 (WMC Regents) = 18, 357

Total Page Loads: 31, 214 (WMC Honors) + 1, 740 (WMC Regents) = 32, 954

Total Posts
(WMC Honors): 156

Click on the graph on the right to see page loads/visits/returning visits tracked from November 26. You can distinctly see when weekends come, where numbers across the board drop dramatically. The large spike in January is the day before the AP History midterm. The longer periods of time with lesser activity are the winter and spring vacations. After initial growth, you guys kept an outstandingly consistent rate of visting, with little total monthly growth occuring after January.

A vast majority of you come directly to WMC when you want to be here...76.91% (Google Analytics*). However, some of you have also reached WMC through Google search (a much smaller percentage Yahoo search...0.46%), though this number also includes people who have reached WMC when searching for other topics, and who are not interested in our homework. There's a bunch of other places people have reached this site from, including Wikipedia (the Ward Melville article), blogger (see the navigation bar at the top of this page), and the Gelinas Companion website has also driven a bit of traffic.

To my dismay, most of you still seem to be using Internet Explorer (and only 3.54% of that using IE 7), with IE in the lead with 60.4% of you, Firefox next with 36.39% of our users, and a couple people using Safari and Netscape Navigator. Personally, I find Firefox many times better than Internet Explorer, and much much much more safe. If youre interested, theres a link to get Firefox in the sidebar, near the bottom. On the plus side, a whopping 96.48% of our users have a high speed connection, most of them using cablevision services, with verizon in second place. 98.01% use Microsoft Windows XP to access WMC, the rest are Mac users.

Thanks to our presence on the blogspot network, we get traffic from all over the world, but most of these people spend less than 10 seconds on the site. The map to the right is only displaying global visits for the past 5 days, which is since I installed Google Analytics. Since November, however, Statcounter has located people who visited this site from the following nations: United States of America (from many states), the UK, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Italy, Norway, Brazil, Uruguay, Saudi Arabia, France, Switzerland, Canada (multiple provinces), Egypt, Portugal, Australia, Estonia, and Latvia.

*Analytics data is gathered for statistical purposes, and there is no way to track the movements of individual users, the only data I see are trends and impersonal statistics.

The Last Homework Night of the School Year: Homework for Thursday

For all prospective Tri-M members, be at the school at 7 0'clock for the induction ceremony. Bring baked goods/drinks for the reception, dress attire is formal: shirt, pants, tie, etc (jacket not necessary; and I'm not exactly sure what the women's attire should be but its in the same caliber of formality as men's).

Math O'Brien: Period 1-work on Jan 2004 Regents #1-23 (or you can work on it tomorrow w/ a partner)
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Not to be collected, but good to do: Pg. 170-177 #1-40 in the Blue Barron's Review Book; study for final on Mon at 8:55, no organic chem quiz, bring party stuff, text to be collected up to Regents day. You must have 15 labs in your lab folder by tommorow or you cannot take the regents!
- Schoen:
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Bring food for a partayyy

Latin C Hayes

French C: None, except for the party stuff, bring textbook

Spanish Dwyer: Extra credit sheet if you want (otherwise due at the final)
- Prochillo:

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: None, but textbook collection is still going on.
- Rosequist: Nadaa

AP Art History: None, unless you still have to do your presentation or have to return your texts

English Failey:
- Oatis: study for final on Mon at 7:20; bring text and 1984 for collection. Period 3 will be in our normal room for our exam; Rm. 128.
- Eaton:
- Inners:
-Etheridge: PARTAYYY

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: The Last Class of the School Year (epic)
-BDF: We're done.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Math O'Brien: Per 1&4 do January 2004 regents, #24-34. Per 7&8 do #25 to the end of the August 2003 regents. Bring in textbooks!
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Finish dittos and other handouts. Were there questions from Barrons?
- Schoen:
- Brendel:

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: Listening part of final tommorow.

Spanish Dwyer:
- Prochillo:

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Practice regents tommorow. Bring in textbooks!
- Rosequist: Bring in textbook.

AP Art History: No homework

English Failey:
- Oatis: Complete Final Exam Review Sheet
- Eaton:
- Inners: Reflection essay due Friday and vocab quiz on lesson 10 on Friday.

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

- BDF: Nothing

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math O'Brien: Periods 1&4: Complete June '04 regents. Periods 7&8, complete January '04 regents.
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Complete reference tables review sheet and organic chem review sheet.
- Schoen:
- Brendel:

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: Essay portion of final exam tommorow.

Spanish Dwyer:
- Prochillo: Speaking part of the final tommorow. Prepare for all 15 questions on the sheet; anyfive will be asked.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Know your information to speak to the class about your thematic essay content.
- Rosequist:

AP Art History: No homework.

English Failey: Period 5- Journals due tomorrow or Thursday (Waiting for Godot, 1984, Lord of the Flies)
- Oatis: Final exam review tommorow.
- Eaton:
- Inners:

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Final project due Wednesday. See Google Pages for free web hosting (100 MB space) Everything has to be uploaded to your server, and the codes of all the pages need to be printed out and handed in with your evaluation sheet as your cover page.

-BDF: Nothing

(Edited by Shruti @ 7:26 PM)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Homework for Monday

Math O'Brien: Periods 1&4: June '04 regents, #1-20 and 32, 33, 34. For periods 7&8: January '04 regents, #1-20,32-34.
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Period 8- Complete the packet that practices using the refrence table(very stupid). Much of the class also has to make up the test.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: Finish final exam review sheet we got in class today; speaking part of final will conclude tommorow.

Spanish Dwyer: Writing portion of final tomorrow (you can ace this easily by just memorizing some stuff on the artist you researched), but you can opt to write about the story, "espuma y nada mas," whered you'd discuss the themes etc. 175 words!!!
- Prochillo: Writing part of the final tomorrow. Recommended: look over all the stories we read this year, their vocabulary, all the information on the artists, and all your grammar guides. More advanced grammar is a guaranteed better grade.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Bring in your textbooks and document readers. Practice Regents on Thursday
- Rosequist:Nothing

AP Art History: No homework (bring in textbooks!)

English Failey: Period 5- Journals due Thursday. (including Lord of the Flies; follow the old format, and do them by chapter)- Oatis:
- Oatis: No homework, 1984 presentations will finish tommorow.
- Eaton:
- Inners:Quiz on lesson 10 most likely Friday, reflection piece due Thursday.

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Final project due Wednesday. See Google Pages for free web hosting (100 MB space) Everything has to be uploaded to your server, and all the web pages, and their codes need to be printed out and handed in with your evaluation sheet as your cover page.

-BDF: None

(Edited by Ganesh at 18:47)
(Edited by Mikey @ 16:46)
(Edited by Varun @ 16:19)
(edited by Shruti @ 3:46)