Thursday, June 08, 2006

Year End Statistics

The following is an overview of year end statistics for Ward Melville Companion and WMC-related websites. Statistics gathering began on November 26, 2005, through Statcounter, though this report will also use data gathered by Google Analytics. If you want the homework for Thursday night, see below this post, or dont read this if you're not interested. I'm also making this post just for my own records.

Total Unique Visits (these are distinguished from page loads): 17, 282 (WMC Honors) + 1,075 (WMC Regents) = 18, 357

Total Page Loads: 31, 214 (WMC Honors) + 1, 740 (WMC Regents) = 32, 954

Total Posts
(WMC Honors): 156

Click on the graph on the right to see page loads/visits/returning visits tracked from November 26. You can distinctly see when weekends come, where numbers across the board drop dramatically. The large spike in January is the day before the AP History midterm. The longer periods of time with lesser activity are the winter and spring vacations. After initial growth, you guys kept an outstandingly consistent rate of visting, with little total monthly growth occuring after January.

A vast majority of you come directly to WMC when you want to be here...76.91% (Google Analytics*). However, some of you have also reached WMC through Google search (a much smaller percentage Yahoo search...0.46%), though this number also includes people who have reached WMC when searching for other topics, and who are not interested in our homework. There's a bunch of other places people have reached this site from, including Wikipedia (the Ward Melville article), blogger (see the navigation bar at the top of this page), and the Gelinas Companion website has also driven a bit of traffic.

To my dismay, most of you still seem to be using Internet Explorer (and only 3.54% of that using IE 7), with IE in the lead with 60.4% of you, Firefox next with 36.39% of our users, and a couple people using Safari and Netscape Navigator. Personally, I find Firefox many times better than Internet Explorer, and much much much more safe. If youre interested, theres a link to get Firefox in the sidebar, near the bottom. On the plus side, a whopping 96.48% of our users have a high speed connection, most of them using cablevision services, with verizon in second place. 98.01% use Microsoft Windows XP to access WMC, the rest are Mac users.

Thanks to our presence on the blogspot network, we get traffic from all over the world, but most of these people spend less than 10 seconds on the site. The map to the right is only displaying global visits for the past 5 days, which is since I installed Google Analytics. Since November, however, Statcounter has located people who visited this site from the following nations: United States of America (from many states), the UK, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Italy, Norway, Brazil, Uruguay, Saudi Arabia, France, Switzerland, Canada (multiple provinces), Egypt, Portugal, Australia, Estonia, and Latvia.

*Analytics data is gathered for statistical purposes, and there is no way to track the movements of individual users, the only data I see are trends and impersonal statistics.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so this is what you do in your spare time :D

so will this site be obsolete over the summer?


2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really gunna miss going to this site everyday during the summer :-/

I just want to say thank you for all of the hard work you guys have put into this site. :)

10:06 PM  

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