Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summer Reading Assignments

AP American History: Read up to chapter 5, which would be up to and including page 142. According to the assignment sheet, you will have to take "copious" notes on these chapters, and there will be a test on the material sometime in the first week of school.
The exact assingment is here:

AP English Language and Composition: Read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. You can skip the opening essay and start with chapter 1. You must also choose a biography or nonfiction work to read from the list they provided. You will need to keep journals on these readings.
The exact assingment is here:

See Update regarding this assignment in comments section - AP Comparative Government: From comments: Read the first 7 chapters of the textbook you should have recieved, and define vocab at the end of each chapter either in a notebook or on index cards. You should be able to find examples of each vocabulary word as well within the chapters, i.e., if a system of government is defined, you should know which country it can be found in. There are also practice questions available on the blackboard comparative site; the username and password are both compgov. After you finish reading the seven chapters, please log onto Blackboard and read the Democratization and Glovalization briefing papers provided by the college board (click on Intro to Comp Politics: Briefing Papers). In addition, there are two subfolders ot help inform your reading and guide our discusssions in September.

AP US Government: Here are the summer reading assignment sheets:

Any other assignments I've forgotten about? Leave a comment. This is the last post of the 2005-2006 school year. Be sure to come back next year for a new and improved Ward Melville Companion Junior!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, don't have a scanner, but AP Comparative assignment:
Read the first 7 chapters of the textbook you should have recieved, and define vocab at the end of each chapter either in a notebook or on index cards. You should be able to find examples of each vocabulary word as well within the chapters, i.e., if a system of government is defined, you should know which country it can be found in.

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For AP English....
Does anyone know how they choose the curriculum?
Would we be allowed to submit to them books WE think we should read?
Would it even be worth it to try?

3:39 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

Its an AP the cirriculum is going to be based on the AP English and Composition course guideline set by the college board (though apparently teachers have a lot of freedom with this particular AP course). But usually teachers get to choose the cirriculum, not the students, so Im pretty sure its gonna be up to them for what we do.

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More for comparative:

There are practice multiple choice questions available on Blackboard, username AND password being compgov The questions should "help you review the major concepts and terms presented in each chapter."

Second part of assignment: After you finish reading the seven chapters, please log onto Blackboard and read the Democratization and Glovalization briefing papers provided by the college board (click on Intro to Comp Politics: Briefing Papers). In addition, there are two subfolders ot help inform your reading and guide our discusssions in September. fun.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ganesh is such a homo

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ganesh loves ethan with a burning passion

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I am anonymous, and being a homophobic tool makes me feel better about myself.

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the assignment sheet for american says up to page 130, not 142

1:46 AM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

The assignment sheet, as it turns out, was written for an earlier edition of the book in which chapter 4 ended on page 130. Whoever gave you the assignment should have indicated you had to complete all 4 chapters in their entirety, despite the page number it gives you on the sheet.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

One step ahead of you...check in the links section under "other"

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy..umm that history etxtbook site that u posted on the "other" section..that site is for the fifth edition of our textbook..and we have the fourth edition. it shouldn't make a difference rite?

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It shouldn't make a difference. Also, can somebody clarify the AP Comp. briefing papers and textbook terms?

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AP Comparative update: JUST got a phone call today after trying ALL SUMMER to access the blackboard site: our district has abandoned Blackboard for something called Moodle, link

To log in for AP comp students, the username AND password are APcompgov. Sign in, and the papers should be right there.

Don't get me started on how mad I am at the school for taking the whole summer vacation to make this switch and telling us six days before school after us not having access to the papers for the entire summer.

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a good resource for terms if you have buckland is

also if you're doing ap american, get the blue book from the bookstore first week of school, as well as the princeton review book if you plan on doing SAT II's or AP's later on.

just trying to help the youngins.

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

check the bookstore during your lunch'll be there.

8:31 PM  

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