Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

AP AB Calc Dillon: Sub today do the in class worksheets
- Tam:
- Ambrose:page 196 1-15 odd

Physics Honors: Spira- nothing; sub tommorow, do lab stuff
- AP Physics:Quiz Friday and test sometime next week

French D: Tintin vocab quiz Friday

Latin C/IV: Hayes: Quiz on second/third declension verb forms in preterite, imperfect, and future tenses.

Spanish D Martin: Sub today keep up with textbook work
- Brecht: Work on travel project, go to computer lab tommorow, we have a sub.

German Aweh:

AP American History Madden: Chapter 7 quiz one week from today
- Miller: 3 more terms
- Buckland: Chapter 7 Constitution test on Tuesday(?) He's still iffy about that....

AP U.S. Government and Economics: Madden: Read chapter 4

AP Comparative Govt/Eco: Do the democratization papers from Moodle (which, by the way, is apparently back up and running), username: your school login name, p/w: student, and when you click "ap comp gov", there's a word you have to enter, which is "history".

AP Language Kelso: Annoted bibliography paper due Tuesday
- Horan:
- Rochford: Creative Writing Journal Entry using sentences from today
Honors English: Hendrey: Quiz on Act II tomorrow
Gandt: Keep reading The Scarlet Letter and finish Task 1 if you didn't in class.

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Keep logbook updated


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martin, Spanish: Keep up with the work, quiz when she comes back.

AP Comp Gov: do the democratization papers from Moodle (which, by the way, is apparently back up and running), username: your school login name, p/w: student, and when you click "ap comp gov", there's a word you have to enter, whcih is "history".

AP Language, Horan: vocab due tommorow, quiz Friday.

4:55 PM  
Blogger sir snark said...

APEL, Rochford: Write a story using the phrasing sentences sheet she gave in class

7:44 PM  

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