Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

First meeting of Tri-M tommorow for all returning and new members! Meet in the chorus room after 10th period.

AP AB Calc Dillon: Test tomorrow study!!!(dont forget your trig)
- Tam:
- Ambrose: Pg 187-188 #17,23,25
- Menzies: Finish ditto that was given out a few days ago

Physics Honors: Mcgunigle: Nothing. Quiz Thursday
- AP Physics: Nothing. Quiz Friday and test sometime next week.

French D: Tintin presentations tommorow. Try not to memorize them, but know what you have to say and when.

Spanish D Martin: Postcard is due tomorrow.
- Brecht: Continue to work on scene due Friday along with the postcard.

German Aweh: We have a test on the first two groups of the past tense verbs.

AP American History Madden: Work on Chapter 6 and 7 and most of you haven't even finished Chapter 5 so GET TO WORK!
- Miller: 4 more terms. That puts us at 12.
- Buckland:

AP U.S. Government and Economics:

AP Comparative Govt/Eco: finishing test tommorow (2nd period, dunno about others) and do about 1/2 of questions on the sheet he handed out--we're just gonna discuss the papers in class so answer a few!

AP Language Kelso: Paper on the "debate" due tommorow: 1-2 page DOUBLE spaced, NOT SINGLE heading should inclue name, date, and assignment).
- Horan: Nothing
- Rochford: Debate starts tomorrow so study your prompts.
Honors English Gandt: Read Chapter 4 in The Scarlet Letter
Hendry: quiz tomorrow on Crucible vocab

InSTAR: Keep logbook updated. Visconti's class will have a notebook check after the next study.

(Edited by Mikey @ 16:30)
(Edited by Varun @ 15.00)
(Edited by Chris @ 3:18)
(Edited by Zach @ 6:22)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hendry- vocab quiz

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i dont start seeing some menzies up here im going to burn this website down...and yes, i know its not even tangible

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

English: Horan, nada!

AP Comp Gov: finishing test tommorow (2nd period, dunno about others) and do about 1/2 of questions on the sheet he handed out--we're just gonna discuss the papers in class so answer a few!

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:23 PM  

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