Monday, May 01, 2006

Homework for Monday

For those of you that are completely out of it, the AP World History exam is THIS Wednesday

Math O'Brien: See notes sheet for questions on ditto to complete
- Schwartz: Green book regents june '03 part III

Chemistry Glazebrook: Period 8; Test corrections for regents and equilibrium test due tommorow!
- Schoen: No homework.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: No homework, unless you didnt finish classwork

Spanish Dwyer:
- Prochillo:

German Aweh: Rewrite your aufsatz for tomorrow.

AP World History Riggio: Do the practice multiple choice questions, keep studying for the exam. See WMC Resources (updated with new stuff) or the WMC Forum for review materials/links and discussion, respectively.
- Rosequist: See hw for Riggio

AP Art History: Start review for the AP exam by doing practice multiple choice...we'll be spending this week and next week doing test preparation. The test is Thursday, next week.

English Failey:
- Oatis: Keep reading 1984, project due May 22nd.
- Eaton: Read chapter 11 of LOTF for tonight.
+ Vocab Unit 9 quiz friday, and the work in the booklet will be checked that day as well.
+ rewrites of the Angela's Ashes essays are due this friday
+ Test on Vocab Units 7-9 is next Monday
- Inners:

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

BDF: Tommorow we will have time to review for the AP exam.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

schwartz: green book regents june '03 part III

eaton: - read chapter 11 of LOTF for tonight.
+ Vocab Unit 9 quiz friday, and the work in the booklet will be checked that day as well.
+ rewrites of the Angela's Ashes essays are due this friday
+ Test on Vocab Units 7-9 is next Monday


5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can somebody post riggio's multiple choice practice on the resources site? i would be eternally grateful...

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

people: there is another thread started on the forum about one of riggio's MC practice questions, any views would be much appreciated to the postee (ha) and those who want to know why and stuff. also, if anyone wants to "debrief" us riggio kids about rosequist's mock exam, that would be awesome.


5:57 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

Link to Riggio's practice MC is now on the site. Have fun.

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is miley?

9:51 PM  

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