Thursday, June 01, 2006

Homework for Thursday

Math O'Brien: #1-24 on August 2004 regents
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: No direct homework, but there will be a short quiz tommorow on the things we learned today.
- Schoen:
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Tomorrow: Sententia test/Monday: make up a quiz on the perfect

Latin C

French C: No direct homework. Finals begin next week: Monday & Tuesday are speaking, Wednesday is essay, Thursday is listening, and Friday is party.

Spanish Dwyer: No homework...Speaking postponed to next Thursday, and there's a listening portion on Wednesday and Friday, but I'm not sure which day is which part
- Prochillo: Period 6- Grammer sheet due tomorrow and she said be minfful while doing it. Also finishing fables from wednesday and more probably review for the final in clss tomorrow.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Bring in world religions chart tommorow.
- Rosequist: No homework

AP Art History: No homework, presentations continue.

English Failey: Nothing, read Waiting for Godot, and LOTF journals due next week.
- Oatis: No homework
- Eaton:
- Inners:
-Etheridge: No homework

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Projects due next wednesday. If you have a google account, you can try google pages it has 100 MB of space as opposed to the 15 MB storage space on Geocities-give it a look.

- BDF: Nothing

(Edited by Mikey at 8:46)
(Edited by Ganesh at 5:26)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

schwartz: there's a test tomorrow on part III and IV i believe...

eaton: 1984 essay.
+ make sure all journals are complete.

and uhmmmm.....
can someone tell me what's eaton's journal 4-2? that'd be cool if someone could gimme the question for it x)!

happy day~!

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did we learn in glazebrook today? hahaha

10:52 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

We just learned more about redox reactions and electrochemical cells...took a short quiz and did a bunch of worksheets...the usual.

10:55 PM  

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