Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

The results of the class elections were:
President: Sahani Jayatalaka
Vice President: Tie between Jessica Hurley and Nehal Shah
Treasurer: Sarah Corso

Math O'Brien: Complete the odds on final review sheet #3, and there will be a short quiz tommorow on a final review topic that will count for everything. First part of the final is on Friday.
- Schwartz: practice review regents some part ones due tomorrow.

Chemistry Glazebrook: EVERYTHING due tommorow BEFORE 10 AM so she can give you a grade for things before progress reports. That means the regents, regents corrections, test corrections, indicators wksht, pH/pOH wksht, and neutralization packet if your class got it.
- Schoen: finish lab.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: Composition regarding the pictures we got in class today, around 5 sentences per panel. You must have it done by tommorow because we will be using them for the language lab activity.

Spanish Dwyer: Artist Compositions due Monday
- Prochillo: Nothing, rough draft of fable due Thursday. (counts as 50% of the grade)

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: No homework except the project, and I think we're watching a video tommorow?
- Rosequist: 4th quarter project due monday.

AP Art History: Party tommorow (period 1), remember to bring your food or drinks or whatever you signed up to bring. The project outline is due Friday, and counts as a quiz.

English Failey: Failey: Period 5- Read the first 100 pages of 1984, and journals for Waiting for Godot due later this week; she's counting them as an essay (periods 2 and 4 have an essay for 1984. I think.)
- Oatis: 1984 project due Monday
- Eaton: complete all journals. Keep reading 1984. Keep looking for magazine or newspaper articles that would relate to 1984.
- Inners: Journals due tommorow, read to pg 21 in paperback, 14 in hardcover

Health Kost: Unit homework is due June 5th.

HTML & Web: Continue Working on HTML final projects, they're due June 7th (I believe). We'll have time tommorow to work on them.

-BDF: Continuing to read the paper next time.

(edited by Chris at 4:29)
(edited by Shruti @ 2:59 PM)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who won the elections? i couldn't hear the announcements.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

Sahani won for president, Nehal and Jessica Hurley I think were tied for Vice President so they will be Co-Vice Presidents, and I think Meredith won for Secretary.

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, meredith won secretary and there will be Co-V.p.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hii..umm just a little messege, thank you all who voted for me =D and yea i appreciate it. okay. byebye


6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didnt vote for you

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ethan you should allow public access to the website counter so people who are interested can see it :)

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Nehal i didnt vote for you either

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well..whoever didn't vote for me, its all good. it really doesn't matter now. i was just thanking the people who did.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that last comment was posted by me..Nehal. lol i forgot to put my name. =P

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for failey perido 5, what journals do we have to do for godot?

9:13 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

Anonymous, your wish is my command. Underneath the counter you can now find a link to public information regarding statistical data for WMC Honors.

9:13 PM  

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