Thursday, September 28, 2006

Homework for Thursday

AP AB Calc Dillon: pg. 196 - 198 #6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 29, 35, 63
- Tam:
- Ambrose: pg 196-197 #17, 19, 21, 29, 31, 35, [37 and 38 do only a and b], 41

Physics Honors: Spira- Lab report; due date TBA
- AP Physics: Quiz tommorow on two-dimensional motion

French D: Quiz tommorow on Tintin vocabulary

Spanish D Martin: Quiz tomorrow
- Brecht: Quiz on Preterite Regulars tomorrow

German Aweh: Test tomorrow on all past tense verbs, and if you haven't already, do the Oktoberfest questions in the packet.

AP American History Madden: Chapter 7 quiz next week
- Miller: All terms due tomorrow
- Buckland: Finish the 2nd part of Chapter 7; Constitution quiz on Tuesday(from the Constitution packet; and study the Bill of Rights)

AP U.S. Government and Economics: Read Chapter 4 government; quiz on Wednesday

AP Comparative Govt/Eco:

AP Language Kelso: Meet in computer lab tommorow
- Horan:
- Rochford: Nothing (Journal entries so far: summer reading, rhetorical analysis, the argument one, comparing in-class and take-home writing, and story with diff. type of sentence patterns)
Honors English Gandt: Contine reading The Scarlet Letter
Hendrey: Quiz on Act III of the Crucible

AP Statistics:

InSTAR: Keep your logbooks updated

(Edited by Shruti @ 5:20)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AP Comparative: test on Democratization Briefing Papers tommorow

AP English, Horan: Vocab quiz tommorow, also, be thinking about the project he talked about in class today, although it wont be due for a while.

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you think that rochford will check the homework journals from last night?

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Kelso...

When we type it up,
Should the book title be underlined or italicized?

I think that its supposed to be italicized
But everyone's doing underline

10:45 AM  

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