Math O'Brien: Trig test tommorow! There will be no use of calculators, use your review sheet to study and if you want you can look in the textbook for more problems.
- Schwartz:
Chemistry Glazebrook: No homework, there was a sub.
- Schoen: Finish worksheet and do review book assignment (p. 52-59, # 47-70)
- Brendel:
Latin A/III: Quiz on 5 new facts
Latin C Hayes
French C: 80-100 word response and synopsis for each night of the week about the portion of the film we watched in class that day, they are all due Friday. For Per. 7 we didnt get to watch enough of it for an entry, so you dont need to do one tonight.
Spanish Dwyer: Nothing direct, but make sure you know those five conversations under the present subjunctive tense very well (he wants us to speak those sentences fluently for an A+ on the upcoming oral test)
- Prochillo: do the multiple choice sheet that was directed towards using the vocab(personally i hink it was a waste of time) also be prepard to do your dialogue for the class althoug you do not have to memorize.
German Aweh: none
AP World History Riggio: No homework, watching video & guidance is coming tommorow.
- Rosequist: None
AP Art History: If you didn't already, read pgs. 645 - 655 in Gardners.
English Failey: East of Eden essay tomorrow, cirriculum-related food day for this Friday (Period 4)
- Oatis: Vocab this week? (I believe he said no, but confirmation would be nice) Confirmation says yes
- Eaton:
- Inners:
-Etheridge: Journals due friday? Vocab quiz most likely tomorrow
Health Kost:
HTML & Web: Nothing, bring in textbook tomorrow
InSTAR ACE: powerpoint due???
- BDF: Continuing stats, work on powerpoint; it will be due after break
Kaleidoscope: There was no meeting today. If you don't have an assignment, get one soon b/c the formal due date is Friday.
(Edited by Ganesh at 7:00)
Schwartz: math review sheet she handed out in class. Eliminate #1 and 25.
Brendel: The problems he put on the board. Period 2 has the test on Friday.
Dwyer: nothing, but he's doing oral testing on the subjunctive so practice if you want.
Inners: read Act 1, scene iii of Julius Caesar.
rosequist: quiz friday on the period just before the cold war. No hw assignment that goes along with it
for period three, oatis said there will be no vocabulary this week.
hey ethan u got 8+ people working on this and its never updated until late. didnt u promise to have all the stuff out by 3 PM?
some people are busy 5 hours a day and cant just check the homweork whenever.
whoever that was.... be nice!
Failey- In class essay on East of Eden!!!! CLC Works Cited due.. to be used in the essay. You can use anything except your book. (Journals, CLC, etc..)
To the person typing in italics, Ethan never said by 3pm that the site would be updated. If you check the disclaimer, it clearly states that it will be updated at latest, 8 in the evening. We will most definitely try to update the WMC as early a possible, but we can't meet everyone's schedule.
well i know he did sometime, he might have changed his mind later. got sometimes its not more people that solve the problem. stop getting slackers its a waste of space for
just be nicee,
they r really nice just to keep this sitee and update it as soon as possible! They have lives too!
if u wanna use it, BE NICEEE
if u wanna be mean, SHUT UP
The last thing we need you to do is to criticize our administrators; if it werent for them you and everyone else in this school would be left without any help whatosoever.
stop hatin, if you have so much complaints about this site, then dun use it, write down ur own hw god, learn to be respectful!
lol @ person in italics
You're absolutely right, some people are busy 5 hours a day (I assume you mean this after school). Do you think these people have the time to update the site if you apprently dont even have time to check it?
The disclaimer clearly states the site will be updated by usually 8:00 PM, EST. It also reinforces the name of the site "Ward Melville Companion," not Ward Melville Life Support System. You're still responsible for your own work, no matter what. The site is meant to clear up uncertainties you might have about homework, etc. Its a companion.
You may also try looking at the comments section if you dont see your homework on the main post, there are very kind comment contributors which usually post work before 5:00.
Oh and also, your concern for is touching, however when you're a company owned by Google (as Blogger is), you've got one of the most expansive and sophisticated server systems ever created hosting your content. Trust me, you dont need to worry about running out of space.
yo yo yo dats gangsah fo sho, y ya be hatin dis shiz is da max yo. an etahn yo da man an ya kno dat so keep it real man
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