Monday, March 27, 2006

Homework For Monday

Math O'Brien: Finish example number 1 on the sheet from today (that means the first side). WEA due tommorow!
- Schwartz: The test is tomorrow and the two sheets that she handed out today are due Wednesday.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Breif quiz tomorrow on reading from the review packet (up to, but not including, 10.6) plus the next two pages of the homework packet.
- Schoen: Finish any parts of the lab that you did not finish during class. I believe that the test is this friday but I would like it if someone could confirm that.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Hayes-Translate 14.3

Latin C Hayes

French C: Rewrite 125 word composition with the new transitional phrases we used, to be collected tommorow.

Spanish Dwyer: Quiz tomorrow on 5 page article
- Prochillo: The first draft of the composition should be finished by the end of the period tomorrow. Other than that there is no other homework.

German Aweh: Page 45 in the textbook. Write the verbs in past tense

AP World History Riggio: Reading; see assignment sheet for details. Review project due Friday.
- Rosequist: DBQ tomorrow in class? Homework 7 due friday

AP Art History: Test on 9-12 Wednesday, see blackboard for notes.

English Failey: Keep working on the Reduced Julius Caesar, and bring a textbook in, or else.
- Oatis: Read chp. 9 and corresponding questions.
- Eaton: Complete any journals that you have not yet completed. Continue reading Angela's Ashes. Also, vocab unit 7 is due wednesday and the quiz on that unit is this friday the 31st.
- Inners: Bring in 1984 for tommorow. Sub most likely for period 6.. maybe 7th also
-Etheridge: Continuing persuasive presentations

Health Kost: The unit 3 homework is due this wednesday and the test on unit 3 is this thursday.

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: Presentations
- BDF: Presentations continue

(edited by Varun @ 7:06 PM)
(edited by Shruti @ 5:24 PM)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inners: bring book tomorrow

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she said that for per 6. not sure about per. 7

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's right about Schoen test

9:30 PM  

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