Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Homework For Tuesday

Math O'Brien: No direct homework unless you didn't finish the classroom assignment, though you might want to find some cities for the laptop project tommorow.
- Schwartz: Test was today. She did hand out two worksheets on Monday that are due tomorrow.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Next 2 pgs of the chapter worksheet packet, and go through 10.6 in that other packet.
- Schoen: The test is now scheduled for this thursday. Finish the worksheet that he handed out in class and complete pg. 114-118, 120 (#25-35) in the review book.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Hayes- Pages 91-93 if you didn't do them in class

Latin C Hayes

French C: No homework, unless you didnt finish class activity (I think she wants you to bring textbooks tommorow)

Spanish Dwyer: Test if you didn't finish in class
- Prochilo: Complete editing your first 100 words of your composition. You can also look on the schedule homework sheet that she handed out.

German Aweh: Finish the grammar worksheet.

AP World History Riggio: Keep reading the pages that are assigned. Complete the chart that she handed out for that chart can be used to aid you when you are starting your in class DBQ tomorrow (decolonization). Also, the review project is now re-scheduled for next Monday April 3rd
- Rosequist: DBQ essay due tommorow at the beginning of class

AP Art History: Test tommorow on 9-12! See blackboard for notes.

English Failey: Keep working on Reduced Julius Caesar, and keep up with journals (each scene?- someone verify please)
- Oatis: No homework, you don't have to do chp. 10, there is vocab this week.
- Eaton: Complete any journals. Keep reading Angela's Ashes and vocab unit 7 is due tomorrow and the quiz is on Friday.
- Inners: Finish part 2 in 1984 for Friday

Health Kost: Homework for Unit 3 is due tomorrow and the test on Unit 3 is on Thursday.

HTML & Web: Nothing, keep bringing in textbooks

- BDF:

(Edited by Varun @ 7:30)
(meshed together with Ethan's post)
(edited by Shruti @ 3:40)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

rosequist dbq due tomorrow

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo can someone post up the riggio chart (completed of course)

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the riggio chart completed would be insanely awesome but even any typed notes from decolonization readings would be helpful as well

any help would be great

6:20 PM  
Blogger Mike Segalowitz said...

Inners: read to end of section 2 in 1984 by friday.

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Kost can our articles be from Newsday??

6:47 PM  
Blogger me life said...

But only use Newsday as a last resort. She hates it. And she hates Washington Post even more. So, yeah.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anybody know if we're allowed to type up the Rosequist DBQ?

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it matters

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:21 PM  
Blogger Varun Talanki said...

yes, we are allowed to type the rosequist dbq.. i asked him

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can someone tell me what i need to do for the kost unit 3 homework, i lost my sheet. Please.

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things that piss me off about the Rosequist Essay he assigned today....


I get the fact that we only have one day to do it...
In fact, we should only have like 50 minutes to do it, cause we'll only have that long on the AP exam....
The difference is that
On the day of the AP exam, we will be expecting to write some essays
But no
Rosequist just decides to throw a DBQ on us without any prior warning AT ALL
The least he could have done was to warn us about it yesterday


Just like the last group of essays...
We already did one DBQ, the Stalin one
He hasn't given them back yet
Which means that I'm gonna write this new DBQ the same way I wrote the Stalin DBQ
Which means that things that Rosequist may have taken off for on the Stalin DBQ, he will again take off on this DBQ, BECAUSE HE NEVER GAVE THAT ONE BACK

The whole point of being a teacher is to teach the children
And Mr. Rosequist is doing a fine job of teaching
Doing his best to make it so that we make the same mistakes over and over again
Making sure we can't try to improve our DBQ writing skills,
By not telling us what to improve
and then just throwing a DBQ at us that we had NO warning of AT ALL

That felt good

Time to start the DBQ

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Kost u need the vocab from Chapter 15 lesson 4, Chap 16 lesson 3, Chap 23 all lessons......then u need to do 3 article reviews..typed and double spaced...and then u need to do the behavior change log and write the essay: Were youable to make the change; were some days harder than others, if u were unsuccessful one day did u stop trying, what may have affected your ability to make the change, were your family and friends helpful, how did it feel to give up the habit, how would u tie this activity into addiction

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm... is the riggio project due monday for all the classes?

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont even start complaining about history if you dont have riggio please, stfu you lose

10:39 PM  

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