Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Homework For Wednesday

Math O'Brien: No direct homework, laptop activity due Monday.
- Schwartz: She was not here today (sweetness). Although the substitute did hand out a worksheet that is for homework if it was not completed during class. Also there are two others sheets that she handed out on Monday that must be finished.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Complete vocab sheet from video yesterday, continue working on chapter "outline" due Friday. Test Friday.
- Schoen: Test is tomorrow on a lot of stuff so study
- Brendel: review problems..too lazy to post

Latin A/III: Hayes- 10 sentences with gerund

Latin C Hayes

French C: Finish sports vocab sheet up to #16.

Spanish Dwyer: no direct hw
- Prochillo: Follow the homework schedule that she handed out. Keep working on your composition.

German Aweh: Finish the grammar worksheet, and do the questions in your textbook

AP World History Riggio: Research anything that you think you need to complete the DBQ in class tomorrow. The review project is due Monday April 3rd.
- Rosequist: continue working on ur dbq project

AP Art History: No homework.

English Failey: work on reduced julius caesar
- Oatis: Vocab due tommorow, read chp. 10 and do questions.
- Eaton: Finish any journals. Keep reading Angela's Ashes and Our Town. Complete Unit 7 of vocab if not yet completed and the quiz on Unit 7 is this friday.
- Inners: She said that it would be "helpfull" if u finished part 2 of 1984 for tommorows discussion but friday is ok too.
-Etheridge: Presentations continue

Health Kost: Test is tomorrow so study hard

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: presentations continue (he's gonna try to get 3 in for for tommorow!)
- BDF: Presenations continue


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the most amazing, well thought out and designed web site that I have ever seen. It boggles the mind that the school doesn't PAY YOU to maintain this site!
Great job

8:50 AM  

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