Thursday, May 04, 2006

Homework for Thursday

Math O'Brien: pg. 496, #31-43 odd, 47, 48
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Period 8: No homework, though I'm not positive; Period 4/5: Get that fill-in sheet done! (both sides!)
- Schoen:
- Brendel:

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes: quiz on first three declentions

French C: Type up medical experience essay w/ corrections, and bring in some form of a carrot tommorow.

Spanish Dwyer:
- Prochilo: Finish 75 word write up and other research. ( People w/ even number topics, look up the odd numbers and write a sentence, and vice versa)

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: No homework, watching video tommorow.
- Rosequist:

AP Art History: Keep studying for the AP exam

English Failey: Unit 6 in the vocab book due tommorow!
- Oatis: No vocab; keep reading 1984, project due the 22nd.
- Eaton:
- Inners: Vocab quiz tommorow on Chapter 9

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Forms test tommorow! Make sure you know the form tag, and everything that goes in between, like checkboxes, radio buttons, textareas, and password fields. Also, start thinking about topics for your final project.

- BDF: Nothing

(edited by Shruti @ 4:18 PM)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

for the failey, is it the quiz or just the stuff in the book?

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dwyer bring in ur food for the party tomorrow

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D'AH i forgot my math binder at school >>

eaton: + vocab unit 9 quiz tomorrow, and make sure you've got the workbook done for the unit as well

+ essay re-writes are due tomorrow (Angela's Ashes)

~miley --- .... or emily...

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

schwartz: + august '04 and january '05 part III's practice regents


8:27 PM  

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