Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Homework for Tuesday and AP World Exam Info

Math O'Brien: pg. 496, #31-43 odd, 47, 48. This will be due Friday, tommorow O'Brien will not be here and we'll have a study hall period.
- Schwartz: August '03 part III, June '04 part III (Will be checked Thursday)

Chemistry Glazebrook: No homework for period 8, since most of us won't be there.
- Schoen:
- Brendel:

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: No homework

Spanish Dwyer:
- Prochillo: Finish researching your topics and the 75 word summary.

German Aweh:

AP World History: First off, room assignments (the exam is administered from 12:00 to 4:00, though it is unlikely you will get out at exactly 4):
A - G: LGI
H - K: rm. 411
L - Mc: rm. 412
Me - Ra: 413
Re - S: 414
T - Z: 421
  • Things you should bring:
    • A bunch of pens and pencils (#2, preferably pre-sharpened). You must write in pen (blue or black ink) for the essay section.
    • Photo I.D. (school ID is fine, driving permit, etc.)
    • Consider bringing food to eat before the test starts, because its 4+ hours, and nobody works well on an empty stomach
    • Optional: write down your social security number somewhere and bring it in; its easier to get your scores and send colleges your scores if you have this info (though it is not required)
    • A brain. Some of you often forget to bring this to school, but tommorow it is absolutely imperative.
Resources: WMC Resources: APWH notes, powerpoints, outlines, links, etc.
- WMC Forum: Discussion on AP questions, essay topics, whatever you want!
- See sidebar for links to sparknotes, blackboard, ablongman stearns, etc.

AP Art History:
Keep reviewing for the AP exam, next Thursday.

English Failey: Persuasive speeches! (on any topic)
- Oatis: No vocab this week; instead we must write a poem by Thursday about a routine experience of our everyday lives. Minimum about 14 lines, other than that, no restrictions. Also, keep reading 1984, project due May 22nd.
- Eaton: Read chapter 12 of LOTF for tomorrow night. Probably a quiz on Thursday on it...
+ Re-writes of Angela's Ashes Essay due Fri
+ Vocab Unit 9 (work book check + quiz Fri)
- Inners:

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Nothing

- BDF: Nothing


Anonymous Anonymous said...

schwartz: August '03 part III, June '04 part III (Will be checked Thursday)

Eaton: read chapter 12 of LOTF for tomorrow night. Probably a quiz on Thursday on it...
+ Re-writes of Angela's Ashes Essay due Fri
+ Vocab Unit 9 (work book check + quiz Fri)


3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who's going to school tomorrow in the morning? haha

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and i STILL don't know who miley is.

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Failey's persuasive speech can we do something like an advertisement.

5:22 PM  

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