Thursday, March 23, 2006

Homework For Thursday

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AP Pre-registration fees due tommorow!

Math O'Brien: Quiz tommorow on graphing trig functions.
- Schwartz: She did not assign any specific homework for today. She did say that we could continue working on the packet because she is going to go over it tomorrow. The test is sometime next week.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Prepare for nuclear debate tommorow, I think the U.S.-India deal worksheet is also due tommorow.
- Schoen: Grade sheets must be signed for tomorrow.
- Brendel: Review Questions, Test Tuesday for both periods

Latin A/III: Hayes-

Latin C Hayes: Go through the first three quarters of the sheet from today and write the definitions of words you don't know

French C: Finish 125 anecdote description, verb conjugation quiz tommorow.

Spanish Dwyer: no homework
- Prochillo: There is a quiz tomorrow on all the regular and irregular verbs in only the preterite tense. Also, the first rough draft of the composition must be completed by the end of tomorrow. Period 6 can opt to take the quiz tomorrow or on Monday of next week.

German Aweh: Complete the vocab sheet if you didn't finish it in class.

AP World History Riggio: Quiz tommorow on Indian, African decolonization (the Ablongman Stearns site seems to have gotten a facelift...).
- Rosequist: homework #6 due tomorrow

AP Art History: Read Gardners, chp. 13 due Monday, test Wednesdat on chp. 9 - 12.

English Failey: Work on the reduced Julius Caesar; refer to assignment sheet for details. And a vocab quiz.
- Oatis: Chp. 7 due tommorow, with questions.
- Eaton: Finish any journals that you have not yet completed. Keep on reading Angela's Ashes and Our Town.
- Inners: Finish part 1 of 1984.

Health Kost: The PSA and poster are both due tomorrow. Some of the students will also present theirs tomorrow.

HTML & Web: Exam tommorow on hyperlinks(and some old stuff)

InSTAR ACE: presentations for tomorrow
- BDF: Presentations continue Monday.

(edited by Mikey at 6:18 PM)
(edited by Shruti at 3:38 PM)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank god the sunflowers are gone...

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schwartz-finish the evens in the packet she handed out today in class.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inners-read to page 101 in 1984 for tomorrow.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why does no-body post math hw for mr. tams class

5:51 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

Nobody posts homework for Mr. Tam's class because none of the administrators have Mr. Tam, and nobody has contacted us asking to be made an admin to reguarly and reliably post the Tam homework (I hope that wasnt too subtle for you...)

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know that it is only a quiz but if ne1 has ne notes for the riggio quiz it be really nice if you could post it up

thanks alot

6:42 PM  
Blogger Mike Segalowitz said...

yea, notes would be nice. A "facelift" that implying random words and letters of computer terminology, aka: not the site?? Cause its not working for me.

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice subtle

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:22 PM  
Blogger Mike Segalowitz said...

ok, the ablongman site is fixed and not fuked up anymore so yea, ignore the other post.

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when is the failey reduced caesar thing due?

11:52 PM  

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