Math O'Brien: Finish the packet, indlucing the back side (scale for last two problems is pi/2, I believe)
- Schwartz:
Chemistry Glazebrook: Debate Project due Fri. (For period 4/5 she said next week) Go directly to the library tommorow
- Schoen: finish the back side of the worksheet that he handed out in class
- Brendel: period 4 has the test tomorrow period 2 have it on friday
Latin A/III: Hayes-Short quiz tomorrow on sentences from today's activities (B and C in the packet)
Latin C Hayes
French C: Write 5 _____+futur=futur questions, 5 Si+imp.=con questions, and your response to each for tomorrow's dating game (rendez-vous game really, but this is what Ransford said); 1 si question and 1 quand question for oral practice
Spanish Dwyer: write future and conditonal sentence using the en el parque phrases on the sheet
- Prochillo: finish any homework that you did not do last friday or yesterday
German Aweh:
AP World History Riggio: Essay test (anywhere in Cold War and China units) that's none of the classic three essay types; it'll be an argumentative paper and the questions will be different between classes. See
here and
here for notes on China and the End of the Cold War from the textbook.
- Rosequist: homework #5 due friday
AP Art History: Chp. 12 due Fri for per. 3, Monday for per. 1. Quiz on 11.1-11.2 Friday.
English Failey: test on jekyll and hyde tomorrow and projects due friday
- Oatis: Vocab 11; Chp. 4 up to pg. 68/69ish and relevant questions
- Eaton: finish any journals. The rewrite of the Julius Caesar essay is now due Monday of next week. Start reading Angela's Ashes.
- Inners: Quiz on Acts 4 and 5. Also, finish the sentence exercise for lesson 7 in the for Friday
-Etheridge: Test tomorrow acts I to III. Plan your presentations (for Julius Caesar-acting out the parts).
Health Kost: draft of project is due this friday. We will work on it during class in the library
HTML & Web:
InSTAR ACE: Presentations continue
- BDF: Presentations continue
(Edited by Varun at 6:09)
(Edited by Yang at 2:59)
any help or tips for the essay for riggio tomorrow would be greatly appreciated!
Could you post like an outline or something for the essay.
Stay Classy San Diego
what is the blank for french
Inners-Quiz on Act IV and V for Julius Caesar and vocab due friday.
yo for Riggio, ik there are outlines and stuff, but does anyone have an idea of probable essay topics?
Latin C homework is to draw a picture for five of the sentences from monday.
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