Friday, March 17, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Math O'Brien: #12 and 20 on the trig graphing functions ditto.
- Schwartz: finish the worksheet that was handed out during class on friday

Chemistry Glazebrook: Short, MC, easy quiz Monday on nuclear stuff, use the review sheets and information to study. Projects due Tuesday. Nuclear test Wed, all regents MC questions.
- Schoen: complete the worksheet that he handed out in class. Also complete pg. 109-114 questions #1-17 and pg. 118-120 questions #36-44
- Brendel:no homework

Latin A/III: No homework

Latin C Hayes

French C: Conjugations practice sheet.

Spanish Dwyer: Worksheet, translate expressions of exercise A AND B
- Prochillo: complete the worksheet that was handed out to us during class

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Review projects due the 31st, reading over the weekend, see assignment sheet (they're on blackboard).
- Rosequist: no homework, quiz not on monday since we havent covered the info yet* i think Quiz most likely on Wednesday

AP Art History: Chp. 12 questions due Monday, 11.3-11.5 quiz Tues. Review session Friday, 5-7PM.

English Failey:presentations continues on monday? those who didnt finish the test will have time to do so
- Oatis: Read chp. 5 of LOTF and do corresponding questions, as usual.
- Eaton: complete the journal that you should have written down. Also the rewrite of the Julius Caesar essay is due Monday the 20th. Also read the first 100 pages of Angela's Ashes by Tuesday the 21st
- Inners:Read to page 29 in 1984. Find and bring an article on a new technological developement. (serious or humorous)
-Etheridge: Journals, otherwise nothing. Period 1 has to write the essay on monday. Period 9?

Health Kost: the Draft of the PSA project is due Monday the 20th at the end of class. We will be working on it during class on monday

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: presentations continue
- BDF: Presentations continue.

(edited by Chris at 12:55 on Sunday)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Inners reading is to p. 29, not 19??

6:41 PM  

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